Effect Control

Is there any way to possibly have as accurate control over vst effects/parameters as there is the native dsp effects in renoise. By this I mean, any way to assign codes in the effect column to a vst? I am really inspired by bands like squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Kid 606 and Venetian Snares and it seems like a lot of the crazy effects they get wouldn’t come from just the effects in renoise. It seems like they may be using other external effects or another program like Max/msp. Anyone familiar with these artists?

VST FX automatically get sliders and stuff which you can control with pattern commands, just like the DSP Fx.

For example, when using MDA:RezFilter in a track (in slot 1 of the dsp chain), you can control the Cutoff frequency by putting “10xy” into the pattern. Or the Resonance with “11xy”… “xy” is obviously the amount of the effect you want to apply, from 00 to FF.

It seems weird that you have never noticed that before, so I think perhaps you didn’t mean that exactly, and were instead asking how to control the parameters of VST Instruments/Synths via pattern commands? You can do this using the VstiAutomateDevice controller which is found in DSPs > Meta Devices.

For example, I put Synth 1 VST in instrument slot 05. Then I add the VstiAutomateDevice to the track (into slot 2 of the dsp chain this time) and set its LinkedVSTi parameter to 05, so that it matches Synth 1’s instrument slot. Then the other sliders in the VstiAutomateDevice automatically become mapped to the parameters of Synth 1, and I can control them in a similar way as before, putting commands like “20xy” or “21xy” into the pattern.

You can expand the VstiAutomateDevice using the [>] button in the lower right corner, to reveal a maximum of 14 parameters. If you need to use more than 14 parameters of the VST, simply add another VstiAutomateDevice to the track and now you have 28 to play with… or 42… or 56… etc. :)

If you ever get confused about which command should go in the pattern, watch in the lower/left corner of Renoise while you make adjustments to a parameter slider, and it will display exactly which command you need.

Hope this helps.

ps. this stuff has been mentioned many times before. The forum search will help you find other posts with more useful information.

a bit still in this topic… how do you change in the pattern editor the Preset value from a VST FX? it’s not in the automation drop list, and i can’t find it nowhere.

i’ll explain my problem: i have several presets (or programs, as you want to call them) in the Orange Vocoder that correspond to different notes in the keyboard. there is a slider for the keyboard, but the slider cannot “play” a single note. instead, it randomizes - i think - and plays several notes at once. in Buzz, i normally use several programs and change them by doing so in the pattern editor of the VST FX. but i can’t find it in renoise.

i hope i was clear at this late hour… hehe.

please help! show me the trick!

ok, so it IS something not doable in renoise. ok, just checking.

i’ve ended up doing the vocoder part in buzz and then rendered to wave so i can load it in renoise. but man, it sucks doing stuff like this.

thanks bantai for the answer.