After reading the above article, I wonder what is the purpose of this universe in the end?
If everything we do now and our future will be anhilated in a space-time rift after earliest 1.2 billiion years regardless of where we are in this universe, it seems futile to do all this bickering and worrying for needless BS in life but on the other hand even all the art, tech and knowledge that mankind is generating seems to reach a dead end. If nothing in this universe exists after 1.2 billiion years, what the hell are we doing now anyways? Every single Renoise file we create and every plugin we make, every track that we release and every girl that we have kissed will all go along with ourselves up in smoke. Also Eiffel tower, Louvre museum, Virgin megastores, condom machines and my favourite porn…
If this world we are living in is really a sandbox or a simulation of reality and God wants to maybe generate a report after the universe ends, bcos according to God’s timeline it could be just 5 seconds of HIS time, and then he switches this sandbox off since he created a self destruct timer anyways – what does he expect us humans to do really?
I am a staunch Christian and I believe this is all just a test to see if humans are in general even worth it. He also created demons and angels and other weird beings as well. BTW given by the stupidity of mankind and the general cuelty all for the sake of fiat currency and empty credit money is bewildering as to why the hell would God even allow mankind to exist and defecate in the very planet they are living in.
Global water crisis and meat industry dead end:
Human violence, prostitution, corruption and murder:
USA health and diet farce and the corrupted corporation owned government:
The world will end either as an apocalyptic scenario or due to massive and colossal cosmic events or end of times. Either way mankind is just jerking off along the ride, possibly adding points to his/her score when God finally ends this charade of human existence and gives us each a report card and then welcomes us to his real world or hell’s version of it.
Scary shit.