I just downloaded a utility for win XP called vista start menu:
http://www.vistastartmenu.com/index.html (here if anyone is curious).
It has the rather useful functionality of adding a string search to the start menu of windows. After using it a few times I am sold on the time saving it creates.
This got me to thinking about string searches in programs i.e. as renoise has for lists and disc-ops.
What I got to thinking though is that it would be really good to have a string search for any function atall in a program and just clicking on the result to perform that function.
In effect it would work as the string search for shortcuts assignment. You type in the function you are after in the search box, and underneath all the options come up. Now all you do is left click the function in the list and that function is performed in renoise.
I think this would be great for new users as for example you wish to transpose a pattern. You go to Function search
type in transpose. All of the transpose options come up in a list. Click what you want and its done. (the shortcut could be listed also next to each option, but unchangeable from this window.
I can think of a lot of other examples where this would be good also and of course ones where it would be less so, but that is dictated by the user…
A fuzzy search option could be implemented aswell.
As for positioning in renoise the obvious place that springs to mind is as another tab next to the browser and scopes.
Edit: not suggesting this for the next beta