Excel to Renoise

Orange cells in Excel are patterns in Renoise.
This is a way to organize the 1:1 relationship between two programs.

On the very left of Excel, you’ll see a description of what those numbers mean.
Not a detailed description as this is becoming a personal system of sorts,
which means changes are made constantly to satisfy my perception of music
and trying different ways to accomplish a faster composition process and
if the whole process can be in auto-pilot, great.

Order: In the Excel example you’ll see that the entire row are all one’s.
In other words, this is the first layer which will dictate the rest of the layers.
Sort of like a slipstream.

Vary: You’ll see that its double digit, its just a way to keep tabs on
which pattern I did first, second, etc. and the sum of patterns.
Pattern 5 of 7 total for example.

Gear vary: Some patterns may share the exact same rhythmic units.
This is a way, just like “Vary”, to keep tabs of which patterns that share
the same exact rhythmic units I did first, second, etc. and the sum of patterns.
1_77_12 and 1_77_22 share the same exact rhythmic units. 8 lines, 3 lines, and 5 lines.

In Renoise this labeling will simply be placed in the Pattern Matrix.
1_17_11 = Order, Vary, Gear Vary.

SRX unit: SRX stands for Start Return Exit. Like geometry, Rays and Lines…
still fresh with my math, so bear with me, if there are mistakes with my math lingo.
SR is a way to label a pattern that loops. Start, Return.
SX is a way to label a pattern that does not loop. Start, Exit.
In 1_17_11 there are 7 rhythmic units and the SRX length or pattern length is 48 lines.

Underneath SRX unit and SRX length are the rhythmic units pool. The XRNS is at 16 LPB,
1_17_11 has 4 lines and 8 lines. 4 lines = 1/16th and 8 lines = 1/8th.
8 is color coded green which means It starts with 8 lines and ends with 8 lines.
You can see the yellow color code which simply indicates that it ends with that many lines.

indi V: which is short for independent variable. In 1_17_11, I put in 8, meaning this
pattern will loop 8 times which will then calculate some stats. SRX unit originally 7 is now
equal to 56, the length is now 384 lines long. I’m currently trying to figure out a way to
calculate these in minutes and milliseconds. Also I may later use percentages during
the arranging process.

Finally, Sequence and Dynamics. In 1_27_11 the sequence is 10, 5, 10, dynamics
at mid to low, then high.

These patterns are recyclable, some adjustments may be required if going from slow to fast bpm.
In the XRNS I used Taiko drums because of their ambiguity, you can use your own samples,
and to create a greater variation and shelf life of each pattern, use the maybe command
on snare placement, if you are simply using a kick snare combo instrument.
Doesn’t have to be drums, use melodic harmonic instruments if you like.
Check out Achenar’s acoustic samples:

14MB wav rendered files.

Link will take you to you one drive, with a bunch of other files, I haven’t figured out
direct download link, if you want, just use “find” in your browser, copy paste " xrns_exceltorenoise "
to find it quickly, although there aren’t that many files to sort through.