Excel to Renoise

Hey kids, this is why you shouldn’t consume too much LSD.

Could we hear something that has been composed this way?

Could we hear something that has been composed this way?

Mix priority is low on this demo loop, plus I need to update my mixing skills, especially creative stereo mixing.

The math used to arrange the Taiko drums was percentages.

I mostly use ratios for writing melodies. This demo is using two part counter-point.

Concepts of momentum and trajectory is intuitively used but not mathematically.

Statistics (mostly finding range, median, inter-quartiles) is used however, in conjunction with momentum and trajectory.

Here’s an unofficial Mad Max Trailer Remix, I just swapped the Taiko drums from before,

and to experiment further, the first half is Excel or math based, the second half is more sample looping and just feeling it out.

Not much, if any, intricate sample editing or pattern command usage. Just making sure the sample cuts sound proportionate.

Headphone mixed…

I’ve also been trying out R Programming Language for this type of approach to music, though that’s going to be awhile

before anything fruitful happens.

Very interesting. Do you find the excel process removes you from the music in a sense? By that I mean do you experience a level of surprise and novelty when you hear the results rendered by Renoise?

I am wondering if it’s a kind of partial basic control of the sonic structure, but discourages on-the-fly modifications based on the feedback loop you have normally with the composition process when using more orthodox methods.

Yes, the excel process removes me from the music in the traditional feedback loop sense.

I don’t think I experience a level of surprise and novelty, the excel or numbers process is meant to do the opposite,

no surprise, more of a practice in precision, however, the process is in modular units,

nothing completely set in stone, I wanted it to be recyclable and reconfigurable with

parts done in the past and parts done in the future.

I suppose its Beethoven-esque. A long time ago I went to an AES convention (Audio Engineering Society),

went to a lunchtime keynote about Beethoven, his deafness, and his music, by Dr. Charles Limb.

I’m googling that off memory, photos of him do look like the speaker during the keynote.

Long story short, he talked about the possible causes and aggravations to his deafness,

he then played Beethoven’s symphonies during the stages of his deafness,

each symphony with a filter to mimick his deafness, the last symphony was no audio.

I think I read elsewhere that Beethoven had already memorized all he needed to in order to music that way,

plus his assistant might have helped.

pseudo random suggested reading, google search terms: aes engineering ear doctor beethoven


On a side note, if you play video games, doing music this way is like city building games,

whereas faster feedback loop style gaming like real time combat games,

is much like the traditional way of making music.

I haven’t studied combinations and permutations,

I’ve only heard about permutations using the Permut8 plugin.

I have some understanding from a musicians point of view, currently not

from a mathematician’s point of view.

I’ve been using a 4 bit binary system to organize sounds.

Lucky for me I’ve narrowed down my instruments to 4 categories.

Atmosphere, Percussion, Bass, Mid. In that order. So if I had just a Percussion and Bass-frequency track,

in binary would look like 0110.

I’ve updated my template, so all 15 (counting from zero) combinations are ready,

if I wanted to create a bunch of Percussion and Bass only tracks, that would get organized

in the 0110 section in the sequencer.

This method also helps in managing pattern data. Which I suppose is configurable,

pattern data in one section can go to a different section. 0101 (Percussion, Mid) to 0011 (Bass, Mid).

Sorry, nothing to see here, I just needed to backup an experiment somewhere quick.

K.LOUD 160 / 13 = 12 (4 LEFT OVER)
K.SOFT 160 / 13 = 12 (4 LEFT OVER) SHIFT DOWN 6 INDUCE W/ X 2'S
S..... 160 / 8 = 20
RICK.. 40 / 5 = 8 
...... 1 OF 2 @ "S" EVENT 1 + 2
...... 2 OF 2 @ "S" EVENT 5 + 6
UNA... 40 / 3 = 13 (1 LEFT OVER)
...... 1 OF 2 @ "S" EVENT 3 + 4
...... 2 OF 2 @ "S" EVENT 7 + 8

Man, this is one crazy but fascinating thread!!! :w00t:

Man, this is one crazy but fascinating thread!!! :w00t:

I guess all I really want to do is to automate the process of post inspiration.

Very much refutable, but in my opinion, finding inspiration is way more fun than sitting in front of your computer crunching numbers.

Ideally I’d like to just upload a life experience, captured in video format, and have the computer translate that to music.

It feels odd not to have a fourth sentence, so this sentence is just a filler.

Humans Need Not Apply