i´m glad i´ve found so many good mcs who want to rap over my abstrackt boombapdizzzm…this is my first project/release; it will be a free release but it will also be mastered professionally and involve professional cover art ect. it´z a heart project for all of us…
as far as the produciton goes; renoise + free vst´s + drumz samples - that´s actually all!
sounding good mate. like the glitchy feel and the MCs aren’t bad!
couple things that would make me like these tunes more.
mastering. are you using studio monitors? the most immediate thing that would help would be to use a (finely-tuned) compressor on the beat. i’ll usually always compress my kick separate, snare if i want it snappier (using a longer attack, higher ratio, and a bit of gain). then compress your master track or entire drum track again. this is personal preference and it’s incredibly easy to misuse compressors.
those basses. this advice is more personal taste again, but the basses are a bit high up the spectrum, giving them a cheap-sounding gloss. i’d recommend a two-oscillator synth patch, one osc is a deep sin (this makes it phat), the second osc should be one or two octaves higher and something grimy like a saw or square. lots of free vsts will let you do this. my personal preference for really phat basses is native instruments massive. it’s hard to make a bad patch in massive
hope any of this helps! feel free to check out my beats here.
it´s actually just mixed to about -6db and then i´ve put a “maximizer” on the masterbus to boost it up. i will give all tracks, once finished to a professional masterin engineer…so all i want to achieve is a quality demo mix, quality-wise. i still feel those basses getting lil sloopy soundwise, got to work on that for sure. on the drumz i didn´t use any compressors but the bus compressor for parallel compression…actually i didnt get all your tips on the drums; “tuned compression”?
yo…lil bizzy right now…will give your beatz a listen @ we…maybe i will then know what you´ve ment with the drum tips;)