Farbrausch V2 bluescreen+reboots my Windows XP when I unload it, by quitting Renoise, by loading any other song, by changing the last remaining Farbrausch VST slot to something else…
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, could you tell if this is a Renoise issue or a plugin issue?
I doubt it’s GDI-related, since opening/closing the editor works just fine.
I’ve pinpointed an added criteria for the hang to occur: I must have at least 2 instances of Farbrausch V2 loaded, before New Song / load another song crashes. (If manually releasing them [ie. changing the VSTi to None for each], the hang only happens on the last one.)
If I only ever loaded one instance, and then release that by loading a song/new song/change slot to None, there is no hang.