Ah, nothing is like real discussion!
I think that is kinda drastic that Renoise will automatically do this. I guess I could live with a first time dialog for the behavior. But my point is that from now on you must active make duplicated patterns. As most newcomers will now clone patterns instead of duplicating them.
I would find it disturbing that renoise make them unique when I intentionally made it so it would not do that (because that is why I would duplicate patterns in the first place!). It’s two totally different ways of thinking. And so it should continue to be IMO). But this is nothing I would make big objections about…
Let me point out that when you enter some data in an empty track, then there will automatically be made a clip that is one pattern long (default, but configurable).
Yes, this will make a lot of clips, but this has to do with backward compatibility of the current workflow in a tracker. You should not be forced to make clips. You should be able to just start entering notes in the empty pattern as you do now and never even think of that there is something like clips there.
But you just came up with the answer for it. It’s all about hiding clips in the list (and visually by just adjusting the default clip color to the background if you like that…).
You actually quoted me from my first post in the Arranger thread from 2003 :
I then proposed to sort and filter clips by how they was made/defined:
I have also written tons of things about this internally in more recent times. I should really post some of this public now…
And here we need to separate things a bit to clearly make the difference in concepts for other ppl reading this.
You will not allow someone to see the content of two or more clips at once. Right? Because you have to open each clip in a clip editor. While in my concept this is possible as you can edit clips directly in the pattern editor.
Thats the main difference we have. I say that instead you can edit clips directly in pattern editor. They are then not threated with instrument properties, just raw extracted data. But you can optionally embed the data into an instrument. And this make this into two different features really.
That said, I would not mind a split patterneditor (that would be the same as your clip editor), and arranger view. So highlighting a clip would show you the data in another part of the screen.
I also (as written on one of my concept pictures) suggested that you could see focused clips graphically in the lower panel. It make sense to also be able to see it pattern style like your clip editor.
In general I think renoise should be more flexible to split screens like this.
Ok, that should be there of course.
Me too. I don’t understand the 512 limit.
But I find myself often wanna temporary merge 2 or 4 patterns (to for instance play a complete part of the song in one go), and also edit as one big pattern, but after I’m finished it would be divided back into my originally smaller patterns. My suggestion would allow that. And your suggestion would still be valid when there is no/all selection made in teh pattern sequencer(?)…