Feature request about automation curves


DEVs, please, give us the opportunity to create Exponential Curve across multiple patterns in automation. It will be one of the best update in forthcoming 3.1 because automation it’s not strong part of Renoise now. I know that it possible paint it from pattern to pattern but it’s time killer. For example “Line” tool it’s a great option! Maybe create switcher in this “Line” selector? I mean pop-up menu “Line, Curve and etc.”



Not going to happen matey.

For the simple fact an overhaul on automation has been brought up and discussed at length. Just isn’t a priority with the devs it seems. If anything, someone will point you to the tools that are available to help you accomplish what you want with automation.

The way it is imo.


DEVs, please, give us the opportunity to create Exponential Curve across multiple patterns in automation. It will be one of the best update in forthcoming 3.1 because automation it’s not strong part of Renoise now. I know that it possible paint it from pattern to pattern but it’s time killer. For example “Line” tool it’s a great option! Maybe create switcher in this “Line” selector? I mean pop-up menu “Line, Curve and etc.”



You can see more about it here:


You are not alone!

Automation and keyzones need a good revision.More native work tools for greater performance…

+1 crossing the pattern boundary (on cut/copy/paste for starters.) Ah, maybe one day we will have a NURB curve drawing system integrated into Renoise :slight_smile:

May we hear official answer from developers in this topic? I found that automation lacks brings me back to other DAW that i don’t want to do… :confused: And what i can’t understand why thru times this question still not solved. I mean automation is essential part of music production!

Would be nice if the devs moved this topic to general section (post 3.1) for later consideration :slight_smile:

Would be nice if the curve tool could be extended with spline points, so any kind of curve would be possible. And also the obligatory point at pattern boundaries would be a good thing to dismiss.

I’m here! An bumping this one!

This is what i use:


This is what i use:


But main problem is that we CAN’T do this across multiple patterns! It’s only for one pattern. I got this tool and for sure it’s great but… it works only for one pattern :confused:

Try automasher:


Try automasher:


Thank you! It’s more than nothing anyway… But still this is not a solution because it need to be done by hands. Just select point on pattern 1 an next on pattern 4 (for example) and bend it. That’s how it should to be instead thousands of dots on line.

P.S.: Renoise - it’s a great software anyway!

Yep, current automation scheme feels clunky at times. Also being able to view multiple automation lanes would be quite useful…

But at the end of the day we gotta make the best of what we have right now :yeah:

Now with the new 3.2 automation - line with curves - can something like this be added? (across a range of patterns)

Automasher goes a long way, and is a great tool, but this sort of thing feels like it should be native.


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The current behavior in Renoise when drawing a curve between pattern 0 and pattern N is :

  • insert automation points in between every pattern spanning 0 and N
  • insert a draggable control point between every automation point

Therefore, if I want to have an automation following a curve spanning N patterns I have to drag N points to shape it, which is a total PITA if N is large.

It would be lovely to drag only 1 point that would control the shape of the whole curve spanning patterns 0 - N. I am aware that tools exist that somewhat allow it by drawing steps of any shape, but it makes so much sense to have it in vanilla Renoise, since we have the curve option now !


hey simple workaround that is actually nice to have

setup a doffer with and LFO and a hydra
make a custom shape in the lfo that goes for the number of patterns you want your automation to go through and chained that to the hydra
the hydra is just for ease in adjusting the parameters you want to automate
and dont forget to trigger/automate the LFO phase (reset) and set it to one shot so it doesnt loop at the end of the curve


Cheers, that is a cool tip, will try it out !

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