Few Ideas

Hi Renoise Team.

I have a couple of ideas to take into account for future Renoise features and options.
This options necessity was a result of frequent work with renoise projects.

First idea:

  • make some kind of “Transposing instrument number”.
    I mean I use (for example ctrl+Q\A) to transpose selected notes up\down but its really important sometimes to transpose instrument which plays this notes, make 6th instrument plays melody instead of 5th.
    Or just imagine I need two instruments on different tracks plays the same notes - I need change instrument numbers manually on each note (after copy\paste). If I have 256 lines per current pattern - it becomes really problem :)

Second idea:

  • I can sync (in sample properties) some loop sample to current BPM of my project. Its really cool and useful. But often I have to solve the opposite thing - I have to find the exact BMP for my project to make my loop (syncronized or not) plays exactly as it normally plays. So I suggest to make some BMP-warp for project: make BMP for whole project just as BMP of current sample (rely on sample lenght) - just make such BPM to make sample play exactly one pattern.

If some of this things already possible, then please describe me the way to get this result.
Thanx a lot for Your amazing tracker.

the second idea is rather nice, the first one is already possible:

the solution is advanced edit:


there you combine the right setting here

with the actions you want here

and here

(that was a bit lazy on my part, but I hoped it helped anyay)

Yeah, got the idea with instruments number swaping, thanx.

+1 for BPM warp.

yea, +1

The second thing you might know from other trackers. I believe it’s:
sampleRate * beats in loop * 60 / length of your loop in samples = BPM

Sure I can, but special warp option could make it easier, besides I could wish to warp my BMP of entire project to non-drumloop sample.

I can calcalate BPM in this case too, but … why dont make it simple?
Delay effect has it sync-option despite of simple calculation of delay time :wink: