file format import support - sfz questions

Sorry - duplicate post - this might be the most appropriate sub-forum
I’m trying to use Extreme Sample Convertor to convert Soundfont to SFZ. The conversion always goes off without a hitch and my directory structure for the SFZ goes like this:

When asked for the sample location, I point it to the right directory, but the tool throws up an error saying it can’t find the samples.

Any thoughts/advice?

(sorry if this post isn’t making sense - multi-tasking between this and making sure my kids don’t kill each other.)
Merry Christmas!

You mean you’re using a tool for importing the sondfont > converted into sfz > into renoise? The extra file formats import tool? (Don’t tell me renoise can import sfz natively? Can it?)

i messed around with that some days ago…was trying to konvert nki files (kontakt) to renoise instruments…it simply didnt work. at least…forget about extreme sample converter. its fully outdated and the format options used by it are rather “old” and this tool doesnt support all interesting features anyway or they are buggy. too bad. earlier we had much nice converters like awave, cdextract…all dead!

We need an update of the Additional File Format Import Support Tool. Worked great in 2.8

awave? You mean Awave Audio and Awave Studio?
If so, no these are not dead.
They are still being updated.
And developer is always open to suggestions (for example adding support to NKI files).
Awave Studio already supports writing and reading SFZ patches for example.
And it converts, for example, SF2 individual instruments into SFZ instruments.