Filter Effect


Is there an effect to control filter cutoff freq of a note? Whould be nice if it only affected individual notes in a chord…

  1. put a DSP filter on a track
  2. put notes to be affected on the track
  3. put notes not to be affected on another track which has no filter

this only applies to non-VST instruments, otherwise you are obliged to use more than one instance of the instrument or aliases

Or, you can switch on an of the DSP for the notes you want affected and not.

Add Filter3 to a track. Pull the cutoff down so you hear the change well. Now start the pattern with the effect command 1F00 (switches Filter3 DSP off). When you hit a note you want affected by Filter3, enter the effect command 1F01 (switches Filter3 DSP on). Now experiment with this.

Edit: Oh shoot. I did not see “in a chord…” Somehow I finished that sentence in my head without reading it entirely. Sorry :P

Thanks for your answers.

So in short: it’s not possible to have different filter on individual notes on a track, and the solution is to split the track into several tracks each containing one note of the original chord, right?

yes exactly. this is way better than MIDI, though :)

I don’t understand the MIDI comment: if I attach velocity to filter on my hardware sampler and control it via midi, it’s certainly possible to have different filter values for each note.

this is also possible with Velocity Device in Renoise indeed, but I doubt that, if on your sampler you play two notes in a chord with different velocities, each note gets a different filter value for the entire duration of the notes, otherwise there is something I’m missing about the whole MIDI thing (which is entirely possible :))

Actually if it is a fully polyphonic synth then the filter would be different on each note for the entire note
If it is a polyphonic synth with a monophonic filter section then no it wont


It does indeed keep the cutoff value for the length of both notes; this is how it’s possible to have, say, a credible piano performance using a sampler.

The difference here is that Renoise has the filter laid across the entire track, while in my sampler’s architecture there’s a filter in the signal path of each voice. Velocity can modulate the cutoff amount (or the envelope amount) per-voice.

Really, it’s kind of surprising that that functionality isn’t in Renoise, since each voice does have its own filter with its own envelope. It’s very typical for that envelope amount to be modulated by note velocity.

IIRC the reason is that a VSTi usually has one audio stream for all voices mixed together. The host cannot differentiate anything - it can give notes and automation, and receives one solid audio stream in return.

Of course, Renoise could silently spawn another VSTi instance for every note column or something like that… I often end up doing this by hand, copy and paste a instrument a few times because it doesn’t support polyphony or I want to use it in two tracks… it would be superkewl if Renoise could handle that.

out of curiosity, which sampler do you own? I’m curious to know if it is an high-end sampler or nowadays standard samplers are much more advanced than I thought.

I understand what you mean. this is something I always wanted myself. the roots of XRNI structure have not changed since the beginning, which is a pity if you consider that samples have always been the most advanced section of trackers. But before working on this, we had to reduce some gaps between trackers and modern sequencers (one for all: VST/AU support). Now this gap has been strongly reduced so we can expect that the rework of XRNI format may start relatively soon.

It’s an akai s5000. It plays pretty happily with Renoise. :)

Though I’m having trouble getting program changes to happen…