Final Fantasy VII Remake for PS4

I always felt FF7 was a bit of an overhyped game, but since people have been asking for a remake for so many years, it’s good that they finally do it.

No Vita version, though? Darn. The FFX remake had been well executed.

Wow ,I played that back in …was it 98??? …on ps1 .

I guess the plan is to release it for FF7’s 20th anniversary. Everyone always says 7 was overrated, but they also always say that they really liked it. It might not be my favorite Final Fantasy, and it obviously had some painful flaws, but in spite of it’s bugs, horrible translation, ugly blocky character models, and weird controls that were sometimes pseudo isometric and sometimes not, it was still beloved. The characters, and the music… that game was just magical. I had sworn Square off for ruining Final Fantasy, but it looks like they’re trying to fix themselves, and I’m really really looking forward to this. That game really had a large impact on my life.

That game really had a large impact on my life.

Shit , You mean an impact that lasted for a couple of days , or like …you are now an underground Lone wolf revolutionair ?

It’s weird to think about now, but it was strangely influential in how I approached music and who I ended up being lifelong friends with. I really reallllly liked the game’s music. I remember being so excited seeing the trailers for Advent Children with the familiar music playing, and having friends that were excited with me, and we still hang out all the time.

It didn’t make me an eco-terrorist though.

It’s weird to think about now, but it was strangely influential in how I approached music and who I ended up being lifelong friends with. I really reallllly liked the game’s music. I remember being so excited seeing the trailers for Advent Children with the familiar music playing, and having friends that were excited with me, and we still hang out all the time.

It didn’t make me an eco-terrorist though.

Yep,I totally forgot about the music …reminds me a bit of debussy

FF VII had the biggest emotional impact on me of all games ive ever played. Planescape Torment may be the second.
I think that it is great example that computer games can be art.

Wow this peace of art again anytimes !!