Hey! i think its awseome!!!
I hope any good people ported in OSX and Linux!!! I hope!! =)))
have nice day
Hey! i think its awseome!!!
I hope any good people ported in OSX and Linux!!! I hope!! =)))
have nice day
It’s a really nice project, I totally dig the piano roll + tracker interface, and the fact that you can import midi files.
Also, since it’s open source, it could maybe be interesting for some tech-savvy Renoisers to check out…
Just donwloaded .
But , there seems to be NO algoritms.with operator feedback …
Just noticed now that only operator 1 is feedback enabled …
On the original dx7 certain algoritms had a feedback loop that consisted of 2 operators ( in serial )
Damn , entering a note always brings me back to the first line , what’s with that ?
I can only enter notes when poiting the mouse cursor on the required field , iow no up/down arrows
Also , no asio driver ??
Damn , entering a note always brings me back to the first line , what’s with that ?
I can only enter notes when poiting the mouse cursor on the required field , iow no up/down arrows
your not alone, same problem here
In addition, with my old Pentium 4 the fan whistles all the timet
too bad it did not work nice
Damn , entering a note always brings me back to the first line , what’s with that ?
I can only enter notes when poiting the mouse cursor on the required field , iow no up/down arrows
the developer relased today V.4 now it works
i like the fm composer really well, too bad my whole fan so annoying
I’m looking for last build (Win64 or Win32) of FMComposer. FMComposer website seems down ! I’ve found source code on GitHub but I cant compile this (not a programmer)… Can you help me ?
Nice pixelwise scrolling, too!
It’s author this project. Write him
V.1.4 (2018-0303) is zipped on my hd
it works (pm me) but is probably not the last version