Forever Young By Alphaville

Link removed

Now everybody sing-a-long!!! :D

can i send this link to a norwegian radio show? early sunday afterparty music show. plays chillout and easy pop. ???

Dj Friendly?

Could you please post an indirect link to a page (blog or whatever) where this mp3 is linked?
This site falls underneath strict German Jurisdiction and therefore for us disallowing posting copyrighted content (which the song contains).
It sounds very lame but we unfortunately have no power over this. Such form of deeplinking is jeopardizing our own site.

Link removed. Sorry. Thought I was the one who gets assraped for violating copyrights, not the site :)

I will work out something

No usually those who are expected to be stripped the best and hardest are being pulled into court.
When it comes to responsibility matters, charges can always be fixed to match the accused party.