I really like the realtime multicolor track comparisons in the master spectrum. It’s a really good step forward.
While we’re still in the beta phase, I’d like to ask you if it could be possible to FREEZE a Master spectrum (and maybe a phase meter or master scope) state and to STORE this state in a SLOT (for example, you could have 5 or 6 slots that store different view states).
Then when you click on a slot, it displays the stored state and at the top right side, renoise displays the precise moment (in HH:MN:SEC) when the snapshot has been made.
Clicking on some slots could help me to get a precise overview of what’s globally happening.
Because for now, the spectrum is usefull for a real-time analysis, but sometimes everything goes too fast, even if you can slowdown now the speed of graphs.
Of course, I could just hit 5 or 6 times on the “print screen” keyboard button and paste it inside my photo editor software, but that’s an external and unnatural solution and I’d like Renoise to be able to handle it natively.
Thanx for reading and see you soon for other little ideas and suggestions.