Hi everyone, BrainClaim here!
This is the first house track I have made and I am not sure, whether it is good or not. That’s why every feedback will be helpful to me. Enjoy
Hi everyone, BrainClaim here!
This is the first house track I have made and I am not sure, whether it is good or not. That’s why every feedback will be helpful to me. Enjoy
Well, i’m not really a house listener so i’m not even sure tbh if that is house at all? Feels way to banging for that. Soundwise you got it nailed i think, sounds clean and crisp, except maybe the gated synth lead coming in the first breakdown, which sounds rather plain and dry and get’s boring quick for me. In the buildup you could automate some Reverb dry to wet mix maybe to make it a little more interesting? Now the main critic i’d have is your arrangement. You start full banging with no intro, go into some big buildup part, give another hint of a mainpart, next huge buildup, bit of a main part at end again and done already. So in my opinion you should really rearrange all your sounds and give it some common structure, as it is it almost feels like a snippet of something way longer and is probably not all that enjoyable on it’s own. Hope you appreciate some honest feedback.
Beatslaughter, you nailed my thoughts on this one. I personally lost interest around the 1:48 mark - here, I would swap the existing elements for something which is not louder, but rather ‘deeper’, or more ‘intense’ somehow. Give the existing elements a new platform to rest on, so to speak. Then you can return to form later on.
Perhaps the overall tempo is a bit too fast? Fits with the helium voices though, which I like - I’m getting those happy rave vibes, more than house ones…
Thanks for Your feedbacks, guys! The bass in this song went out of control, I have to admire that, the idea with the build ups and real elements is great. I will acknowledge what You said while improving the song! Thanks again!