Global Warming Risk Management

Honestly the best thing we can do aside of getting fluorescent bulbs (which will have minimal impact) is pressure your elected officials to make laws that protect the environment, such as renewable energy.

Scientists say the mass industrialized consumption of meat contributes heavily to carbon being released into the atmosphere and is the 3rd major cause of Global Warming. Research it.

Don’t purchase products, goods or services from companies that carry a huge toxic footprint. Not only do you make these people who could care less about anything but their own pockets, let alone the environment rich, you literally pay them with your hard earned money to continuously poison you and you loved ones. You pay them to lead you into complacency with false advertising, depression, obesity, and eventually cancer.

Walk or bike when running small close by errands. Not only does it place less toxins into the air by simple math, it also gives you exercise, which leads to better health, which leads to less depression which leads to a vital healthy and well balanced mind, which leads to deeper more positive relationships, which leads to compassion, which leads to broader perspectives, which eventually leads to world peace.

Plant trees! Lots of them! Trees everywhere! They store the carbon within their bark which helps keep carbon levels in balance.

It’s time to reform ourselves. Technology is the future. That doesn’t mean we have to make a mess out of the place.

Don’t assume other’s will take care of the planet. f**** the status quo. Do what you inherently know since birth is the right thing to do for yourself and all others. This isn’t a political venture. It’s a mankind thing. If others choose to bury their head’s in the sand, let them. There’s no time to waste getting caught up in their self delusions. Just keep doing what you can which is a hell of a lot better then doing nothing.

I’m not talking about whether or not I take up the fight; I’m talking about whether or not I think it’s helping. What if - and I know its a rather grim what if - what we’re seeing now is the effects of the nuclear testing in the 60s and 70s?
What then? Will mankind, hell, all life as we know it, be totally screwed when the effects of what is happening right now fully kick in?

You’re reading it the wrong way if you think I’m saying “too hard, dont try”
its a far more urgent call to action than saying “if we act now we can stop it”; I’m saying that we better bloody well get off our arses because who knows how bad it will be when all the effects hit.

I haven´t seen the video I don´t need to. Obviously there it argues that it is to late to do anything.

Well does he have cold evidence?
No because noone knows for sure.
We don’t even know if the heating is caused by us or the sun for 100% sure.

That is why we must act! Because what if it is not too late? But we tell ourself it is. Than we are really stupid.

Remember the ozon layer that was getting wiped out. Guess what.
It has started to repair! And is much better now.

Never give up never surrender ;)

And the power is among everyone.
We decide what we buy, we decide how often and how we travel. We can change the laws…

I have seen the video now and what I just said was the basically the same as in the video…

i’m not sure, but i think you misunderstood something. (if not, plz reply to this and set it into right context.)

well, this is why images are a little problematic in such a discussion.
from what i’m understanding, this “delay” effect is caused by various things(i’m listing all i can remember, could be more):

  1. chaotic systems can seem stable for a while, while certain feedback mechanisms are already going on, which will lead to the destabilization of this system. but it’s not quite “there” (but it’s in a deterministic sense inevitable)
  2. there are those gasses (i forgot their names), which actually prevent some sunlight from reaching the earth, which will actually start to disappear the time we’re really starting to do anything about it. (about our co2 emissions)
    and 3. not really delayed, but covering up: our co2 emissoins are (up to this day) strongly buffered by the ocean, some unknown source and trees (?).

not really sure about anything, but anyhow:

what in gods name have these delaying mechanisms to do with nuklear tests? or a better question, cause this is the “real” question: what have nuklear tests to do with global warming?
well, i googled a bit, but couldn’t find ANY satisfying answer to this question. so plz, enlighten me :s

Actually the videos are a call to action… they argue that it’s NOT too late to do anything… and that if, by some slim chance it is too late, what’s the harm in trying anyway? The human race has prevailed over seemingly hopeless circumstances throughout our entire history, why the heck are we dropping the ball now? Maybe we are really incredibly naive and inept as a species and we’ve just been improbably lucky thus far. :blink:

How would you stop nature worldwide for supplying the other 90% from the pressure on the pushbutton?
Cover the ocean and all forests with one large blanket or Co2 filter?
The whole idea only is nuts :P

That is actually the best reason to help global warming expand a lot faster instead of working against it :w00t:

no matter what we do,
every piece of any technology,
every solution to any problem,
every idea.
is always going to be exploited.

our own lack of humanity is where the problem lies.

every time you buy or sell a physical Good,
you PERSONALLY destroy a piece of this Planet Earth.
if you don’t recycle 100% of your waste,
You don’t even belong in this discussion.
books kill trees.

so I’m out. ;)

It goes deeper than this. It’s not lack of humanity, humanity is no different than any other survivalistic animal species on this planet, subject to the exact same love/hate polarity.

What it is, is lack of consciousness and mindful thinking, something we humans are capable of doing over other animal species. The ladder of evolution goes up, not down.

Also, lack of wanting to stay in the moment of now instead of living in either the past or future, which is impossible. Deeper than this, is desire. Desire ends in suffering and any wise and enlightened text that has ever graced this Earth will warn you of exactly that. Do not desire. Be content with what is in the ever changing moment of now.

Global Warming is a result of lack of consciousness as is every other condition of Earthly suffering. We desire things that don’t help us evolve and become depressed when we cannot obtain them or they do not possess the power to bring happiness that we thought they would.

We can already see how people often objectify each other which is beautifully illustrated two posts up. Desire…

Desire above disaster if disaster cannot be prevented. Always has been, always will be, never changes.

OK I’ll respond to this out of my complete bewilderment…

Thats twice now people have responded to my pie in the sky “maybe, this is what an uneducated me thinks could be possible” as “I am teh authority, and this is asking for an argument!!11one”

Delayed cause and effect, as in, when you do something, you don’t see the results for a while; and on a scale this big in an experiment nobody has run before - as the guy in the vid puts it - I can be sure that nobody actually knows for certain what any of the parameters are (the one thing any of us can be certain about…). Its just a thought, based on the fact that the nuclear testing of the late 1900’s was pretty damn extreme…there was lots and lots of energy blasted into our atmosphere, and no immediate climate repocussions that I have read about; hence - MAYBE - the effects take a good couple of decades to hit in??
who knows?!


Edit: just reworked an unclear sentence.
edit2: and some cosmetics
edit3: Gilli, read before you write. I got Bantais post all wrong while I actually agree on that. But since I don’t want to hide, here is what I had written:

So it’s better to behave in an unmatured way? The way human would be without the social evolution?

If someone told you your life will be better if you just abuse as much as you can, will you do it then?
You say “survival of the selfish” and you say that altruism is against human nature.

Okay, let’s say it’s just education that someone feels good by acting altruistic which would be egoism again. That’s educated and not how human would actually behave. So let’s forget altruism.

What remains is “survival of the selfish”. Really, while reading this try to ignore your social education.

Allright, let’s go back to the basics then:

The basics of “Survival of the selfish” would say, that you can kill anyone around you to improve your own life.
But hey, am I kidding you? We know this won’t work. Because survival of the selfish requires manpower, right? You need the power of other people to improve your life. We need to abuse others! I mean, we don’t really want to give them anything. We just want them to exist to improve our own life. What a smart idea! People have been that smart before us. Around 1939 - 1945.

Oh, just remember to ignore your social education. This is really an annoying thing for “Survival of the selfish.”

So, let’s learn from the nazis again and abuse some random groups to improve our life. I’m sure - without being socially manipulated - we can enjoy life by (ab)using other people. Survival of the selflish.

And then there is this other problem. Others want to survive, too. So they start defending themselves.
At some point there are some other smarter selfish-survivers who build a greater groups than us.
Basically said: That’s just enemies. Two selfish-surviver groups. Us and those who are unfortunately smarter. How are they smarter? Ok, first of all they have better weapons. But furthermore they pretend to “escape” the ones that we are abusing.

Now we lost and these smarter selfish-survivers are surviving selfish in a modern way. How? They give and take. And those who are being abused don’t even recognize that they’re being abused. Why? Because they’re having a good life. Impressing.
Now would we - the oldskool selfish-survivers - want to do the same mistake again? No, we learned how to survive selfish in a modern way. Damnit! I said we want to ignore social education! What’s that? We’re socially educated although we started with the basics.
So we might have learned from the past. We learned for us. Let’s not say that’s social education. We’re selfish.
But now that we are abusing each other in a modern way another problem remains. The nature. It’s showing consequences because we’re abusing it, too. Ridiculous from me to come along with something that doesn’t even talk - “nature”. So, let’s just continue surviving selfish by abusing it. Until there are some smarter selfish-survivers. How will they be smarter? Will they give and take?

People can learn from their past. So why should they wait until they have to learn by some forces like laws or the lack of oil or money? You learn from the past, you evolve a certain feeling for life. First it’s just you, later it’s you and the people around you, then it’s you, the people and everything else that has a will to survive and it’s just normal that somewhen the nature is to include, too.

I love the presumption that nature causes 90% of the world’s carbon emissions… no wait, I don’t… I hate it…that’s a STUPID assumption they’ve already proven wrong! WATCH THE VIDEOS!!!

People can continue to keep saying things but it won’t change anything unless they won’t do something. But i fear nothing will be done unless most of disaster already started.
All living elements on this planet produce carbon emissions btw, that is a proven fact since beginning previous century. 90% is just a personal wild guess, it could be even more.
The only difference between cars and trees is that trees produce air instead during the day (and consume carbon oxide during the day).

What are you good at? Making music. So make music to spread the word, open minds, resist conformity. That’s where you’re most efficient: you’re not a social leader, power cog or system builder. Make music the best you can, don’t under estimate the power of it as a cultural force: you’re both an instigator and a conduit.

However, outside of being a ‘producer’ of cultural content (songs, art, web-media, etc), you can certainly make small firm changes in your life to being a better ‘consumer’. Buy less. Buy local. Buy fair trade. Buy for long term use. Don’t buy ethically unsuitable products or brands. Re-use. Recycle. Grow your own. Mend. Car pool. Use public transport. Eat vegetarian. Don’t produce children. Don’t buy ethanol fuel. Don’t participate in cultural rituals that require you to buy something. Don’t hold an unethical job if you can help it. Think about making not taking. The list goes on…

I just can’t understand why when people see something to do with global warming, they just ignore it… it’s like it’s some sort of niche environmental issue or something… like either people don’t believe in it, or they think it will just go away if they ignore it… or perhaps it’s the “we should focus on terrorism instead… because what good is having an earth if the world has bad people in it?”

The problem is that many stories are being told and people forget to inspect the source of information wether it tells the whole story and not just part of it so that it can be explained in a way it can be interpreted wrong in a very obvious sense.
This guy also has a good set of stories and statements but what if he still forgot some options or worse:forgot some facts?
Across what period of time the models are based?

Here’s another interesting hypothese: