*.* ~ Great noise!


Go to disc browser and select sample. Enable .=select all files. Find something that is NOT audio file, theme or instrument and open “easter egg”! Try different files, create rhythm or chip tune or what ever.

And to be safe put dcoffset plugin on your track to protect your scopes!

Lol, I used to do this a lot. :badteethslayer:

ha, me too =) some 20 years ago i remember releasing a .mod or .s3m with my DOS config file(s) as a sample, and had someone on a local BBS comment on the file’s syntax :D :lol:

There was a thread about this where we found some systemfiles that made a great noise. Can’t find it anymore though :(

Used to search through Amiga RAM for samples like this back in the day, except I was looking for nice clean sounds rather than glitchy stuff ;)

Funny how things kinda come around.