Just recently i’ve started messing around with groove settings. And my question is: Is it possible to 're-create the ‘groove’ without actually using it? What i mean is - set high song speed , which will give a lot of working space and that should be enough space for notes to be placed in order of getting ‘the groove/swing feel’.
I’ve tried testing it but i am not sure if im correct, because im not very knowledgeable when it comes to song bpm/tics/groove/swing and things in that nature.
You could program a similar ‘swing’ in your tracks by either
messing around with LPC, switching between two different values
(I’m not a big fan of this but I’m sure some people here can explain
in detail how to approach this).
Or, you could program that swing literally, in the patterns… if you listen
closely, you could consider that ‘swing’ as a sped-up 3/4 measure.
So programming your melodies and accents accordingly, putting the
accents on the 6th, 12th, etc, instead of 4th, 8th, etc…
Keyword is:
TRUST YOUR EARS! It’s possible, I’m doing it a lot because I don’t
understand what the hell I’m doing with the groove settingts. And this
way, I have all the control I want.
Hope this helps! I’m sure others can explain this better tho…
Hey BotB, thanks . I myself also prefer having a ‘constant’. While with the groove setting ‘on’, the play-line skips in the way that is unpredictable for me, so its hard to program beats and such.
Yet I’m still hoping for something like a groove settings “multiplicator”, so if you set that to 2, the groove settings are for 8 lines instead of 4, and so on. Because you can change that on the fly or apply it to songs that were made without groove initially. Otherwise the groove settings are actually kinda useless in most cases (for me), because you have to especially make the song “lo-res” for them to have any effect. (insert smilie holding up a sign with a lolcat on it)