Groovy Days

I made this song in a Collab with Coddy.
Definitely Check him out :wink:


Interesting work which reminds me of summer: sun, sea front, breeze, smile on a people faces. Juicy breaks and groovy bass complete together soundly. Well done collab.

What is a DJ Able mp3??
Please Explain.
Maybe i can help. Because a remix would be cool :smiley:

I like the piano, gives that 90s rave vibe. Drums could be more punchy, really quiet in the mix. This one would definitely get people dancing with some banging drums

Post #3: “FelixSoft2_NEW, Coddy and like this”

“and” whom? Do we have a ghost in the machine?

That’s creepy D:

The song is great! But do not be afraid to work with the stereo a little bit more, especially the leads requests maybe a little more space. However, generally, I really loved the track! :slight_smile: