Guitar Lovers

Hi all those guitar lovers who always find problems to sample their own guitar cause they don’t have money to buy a pro mic and so on…
After a long time looking for the way to get good quality guitar sounds in a home-made-easy&cheap way I think I’ve found the way!
:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:
Just try to install GuitarRig ( This program is intended to emulate amplifiers, mics and all the stuff related to guitars like pedals, overdrive and so on.
I’ve been trying to play real time with the program just through the auxline, but seems to be not a good idea at least you have deepblue at home running windows, of course I do not.
But the big discovery is that this program’s engine is also a VST pluggin! So if you just record your guitar in a decent way (audigy+auxline+ampoutline in my case), and then put that sample on renoise, and then apply the effect to it, you’ll find it just amazing!

:yeah: :yeah:

Check out Amplitube also. Get tobybear’s minihost and load it up selecting ‘mic’ as input, and plug in your axe; there you go, you’r pc is a multieffects processor!

also Izotope´s Trasher got some realy usefull cabinet box model effects

Hey guys thanks a lot! I just found guitar rig amazing because I haven’t used that kind of soft before, but now there are 2 more ways to test.
Don’t hesitate to post any delightful link like these ones…
(downloading amplitube at this moment…). :yeah:

I use Amplitube too. Awful Thingy !
:guitar: :drummer: :yeah: :w00t:

I am trying guitar rig right now, and it’s indeed a very good software.
to bad the VST version can’t be used with Renoise. since it doesn’t ‘listen’ to the soundcard’s inputs.

Somebody had brought up the Idea to let Renoise ‘hear’ input at least instead of recording it.

then this kind of software could be usefull and so will audio grabber VST’s.

Hi guys

Being tried: izotope trash, amplitube, guitarrig, steinberg warp.
my vote goes for amplitube. Less cpu consuming and good sound. so I’d say amplitube for ‘the famous hugegain’ and guitarrig for quality ambience sounds and chords…
Thanks for the link.
I’m interested in progressive rock and almost any style of music, but mainly those involving guitars. I’d like to hear of your problems or tricks recording guitars and composing with typical rock instruments even synthesis… drums, basses and so on…
Greetings to all those guitars…

…and just to be complete… in case you’re still looking for a good guitar sound don’t you ever miss to check RealGuitar from Musiclabs… :)


check some of my songs into my page, there is some progrock to listen to made in ReNoise!

In fact, It-Alien did some very nice metal tracks.
RealGuitar ! um, never saw this one. thanks parsec :)

my next song will feature RealGuitar :)

I’ve also told about it on this thread.

real guitar is one of the best guitar synths I have ever seen. I liked it so much that I payed cash money for it. The only other software that I have dropped cash so quickly for is renoise.