Hats & Caps

Lately all kinds of hats are totally out of fashion. I have always worn different kinds of hats in my life, and never go out without one. I was checking biggest malls around here and went through all the clothing shops, most of them had only one or two hats in every shop, and they were mostly lame. So I went to market, and they had huge collections of all kinds of hats and caps and whatever. So I ended up buying this one:

So, like screenshot thread, this is the hat thread where you post pictures of your hats! :)

nice one suva ! was waiting for this :D , well ok, not really. hats hats hats (and coffee)

bummmmp ? :lol:

Thinking cap.

My hat on queensday!

Sorry, no favourite hat here :lol:

For the dickheads…


I am a fan of hats.
Here are three hats I have enjoyed in my time.

This one was stolen, which is carp because it was real rad.

Cardboard Gundam Helmet and home made daft punk mask

The gangsta combo.

France is much more hatfriendly country than Estonia. Nice to see that hats are not totally out in everywhere.

Nice pile of bikes.

My headwear:


best hats ever!!!

my favourite hats:

… sorry. somebody just HAD to do it :P
however, these really are great hats.

Finally, the downward spiral!

I don’t wear hats except when absolutely necessary, and here is the reason why:


This is after wearing a wool beanie for just a couple of hours. Once my hair gets like this, it is absolutely impossible to fix or comb it back to normal, it just stays stuck in this ridiculous style. The only way to reboot is to wash it with shampoo.

I curse all you people who have awesome hair that just bounces back to life looking stylish after wearing hats or hooded sweaters! :angry: :(


I’m currently wearing a fedora, however, I have no camera to photograph it.