Head problems and where to find them

There are a lot of Renoise users who just create music instead of being part of a “forum community”. I was one of them for years, and I also know some who never showed up until today. So what? People have a life to live, and that’s the majority for sure. There’s no need to participate and to post whatever. What are you missing? There are users who create PLENTY of useful tools, there are users who create tutorial videos about everything you need to know, there are users who share their knowledge and/or data, there are users who create handy doofers and/or sample based instruments, there are users who initiate competitions and even spend their money for prizes, there are users who give feedback when it comes to music, afaik everyone who’s active here is helping out in case of problems, not to mention the active Renoise team members and so on and so on. And even the creator himself shows up. So what else are you looking for?

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Ok, I think I’ve found an explanation for everything, before strange situations arise again. (I warned you that my brain takes a while) First, sorry if I don’t insert the quotes or links correctly but I’m on my phone and it’s more chaotic.

I just found a thread where @Jek says what @TheBellows also said, about the download section no longer being there. And @Cubeinthebox posted a still working link (download only) and I actually found a nice roundup of instruments. While when I searched here in the forum, I found a thread like “post your instruments here” and another similar one, both not widely used.

I found a few other scattered things (because the title probably caught my eye) and that’s it… I’m only now discovering that by digging and digging and digging, there are many more discussions, practically one dedicated for each creation… And here I take back what I said, community, MY MISTAKE, SORRY, you are already active…but I didn’t see it… Because finding a discussion like “post your instruments here”, I expected to find most of the things there , and maybe a few other scattered things about users who “got to the wrong place”, as a user who knows little about how the forum works it seemed quite sensible to me. Finding few instruments I thought “guys, it’s okay that they closed the download section, but in all this time you’ve done so little?” … it happened to me with the Renoise forum, the same thing that happened to me with Renoise…that initially I thought “can I do only this?” …and then “ah, no, ok, I can do much more” … at this point maybe I can agree with users who request the download section, it’s a more instinctive approach for me… It made me I’m going crazy with this thing ahahaha, but I can also use the forum as it is, now that I understand how to use it, really, sorry guys…


OP did it. You can edit your own post titles. No super powers needed! :wink:

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Ah, yes…

Another Lorem Ipsum thread!


Bro, don’t let the piano roll hate get to you, you’re allowed to share and say anything you want as long as you’re not infringing any rules. Shitters will shit, haters will hate and people making music are too busy making music.

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Just rotate your monitor 90 degrees counter clockwise and you’ll have a perfect piano roll. :smiley:
For or against piano roll, who cares? I couldn’t care less if Renoise got a piano roll or not as long as i can choose myself if i want to use it or not. I wouldn’t expect a piano roll anytime soon though, i really doubt it will ever happen as this has been requested for as long as i remember and the answer has always been that it’s not going to happen. :wink:

A suggestion to OP: if you section your sentences a bit more it would be a lot easier to read your posts. Now it’s hard to know which line you’re reading because it’s too much continuous text.

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Unfortunately I don’t have this linguistic characteristic, at school I had no problems writing endless essays, I had problems making summaries ahaha, I will try to do my best.

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it’s confusing for sure, and we do need upload areas for All the xr-stuff and not simply threads but like Give me Everything sections, with good names and descriptions, so they dont get lost. seeing reaper’s way of doing this 6 months ago made me a bit jealous about their presets and addons. i like exploring and i wonder if we could do a reaper to renoise convertor, so we can have a huge amount of lots of whatever they have too.

if we could maybe queitly Str8 borg that shit?


The download section used to be just that, a repository for all resources(except tools), neatly organized and easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for and to explore. Every upload also generated a new thread in the forum where we could discuss or comment. You could add tags to uploads as well to make it easy to search and find specific resources. IMO it was close to perfect and great for noobs that wants to learn how to make resources themselves.

In this screenshot the upload button is missing because it’s not logged into an account. You simply pressed the upload button and filled in the form and uploaded the files.

I think it was a quite popular feature and it was a big loss for the community that it’s no more.
Here are all the uploads that were released before the Renoise Downloads was terminated:


That’s pretty Awesome! Thanks

Index of /forum/downloads/

Anyone have a quick wget or curl script to get those? I’d like to keep everything stately. Maybe it’s zipped somewhere?

well shit I had no idea that markdown worked here.

wget -m -c -np -R "index.html*" https://files.renoise.com/forum/downloads/
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Nice One! I totally didn’t expect the 13.63gb