I started out trying to make some sort of underground resistance/dexorcist type bass thing, that sort’ve ended up as a reverb soaked black hole, where the drums are too low, maybe? I dunno, anyway.
It is the first song on my myspace, called antarctic bass.
I just switched from DR (danish radio broadcasting) 's electronica netradio station to your stuff. And it’s really more enjoyable than most of what I heard there
And no, loud drums are an annoyance, IMO they fit nicely into the chippish pictures you draw.
hah, yeah, he’s pretty rad. I saw him do a very sketchy acid version of bingo at a festival in november.
Also, your description is real nice, my music stuff kinda goes hand in hand with visual stuff that i do as well, which at the moment is paintings that are kinda like what you were talking about, so thanks a lot.