Help! key bindings not working and not saving!

I change my key bindings but as soon as I leave the window it returns back to default and they don’t work, I’m using pure vanilla Renoise no tools nothing, please can some solve this? it’s driving me crazy!
I tried saving the keybindings i made to an external file and even when I load it in it doesn’t save the changes i made.

In the current V3.4.4, the settings are not saved to the configuration file until you exit Renoise.
The following suggests an option to automatically save the settings when they are changed, or to stop the automatic saving on exit and use only manual saving.

However, if the key bindings you have just set do not work, that is a different problem.

are you absolutely 100% sure you are doing this:

i myself often forget to press “Assign”.


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Ah, yes. I mean, “Are you sure you are pressing the Assign button?” @esaruoho Great insight.
@NoSit_Records If you don`t do that, the key bindings will not be set. Please check.

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Yes absolutely, no doubt about that

and you most certainly don’t have another renoise running at the same time?

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Could I trouble you to send me your keybinding file? Maybe there’s something wrong with mine I’m not sure, if I could get one that already has all the shortcuts programmed I could know if it works or not

If you rename the configuration directory and start it, you will get the initialized configuration.

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I’ll try to see if that works thanks!

I’ve made a key binding file with my preference, when I load it while Renoise is opened the settings I’ve changed are there, but whenever I close Renoise and open it again my keybindings disappear, even if I load the key binding file I made it’s like that changes aren’t saved on it or it’s not loading into Renoise

I THINK I SOLVED IT: I looked into what everyone suggested and as you said I looked into the Keybindings file itself, I’ve found something very weird: my keyboard has 2 languages; English and Hebrew, the Keybindings I’ve made in Renoise shows in English but for some strange reason inside the KeyBindings file itself the assigned keys showed in Hebrew so Renoise probably couldn’t load the file properly so they didn’t take effect, what I did was manually change all the Hebrew into English within the file itself and now it works. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me with any program. Really weird. THANKS FOR THE HELP EVERYBODY! I APPRECIATE IT

I see. That sounds interesting.
You might want to upload the xml file of that problem and the fixed file here.

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