High Pitch - Low Volume

All the way from your tracker to real-life studio recording.

Just lower the volume of those high-pitched notes! :)

An “high pitch” is equally “coming out” from the rest of the notes of a chord… pretty much like a wrong volume peak. Prevent this from happening! When you compose, just remember to deal with it by moderately scaling the volume downward as far as the notes of your chords are rising… or if you’re handling 3 human voices, simply remember to turn the volume down a little bit to the one with the highest pitch.

Well well, I like to see these “simple” techniques since we all forget with all VSTi and effects what REAL tracking is :yeah:

Good job, I’m gonna lower some samples right aways since my headphones can’t handle the screaming synths any longer… :rolleyes:


another small hint from me :

when you finished your track, take a look at the different parts of your song in order to adjust the volume of your tracks.

first, take the busiest section and make every channel as loud as you need it to be with a gainer/compressor and then add a final gainer at the end of each effect chain.

now, the point of all this : sometimes instruments appear way too loud when other instruments are missing.
for example your nice melody is set at a proper level so that it can easily compete with the bass and drums if everything plays together, but if you take the drums away (like in the intro), it suddenly has way too much power.
so, use the trackeffects on that gainer to set your individual trackvolumes for each part of the song. xx40 is 0.00db, use it only to make tracks more quiet, not to make tracks louder, for example juse use xx30 on that melody for the intro and maybe make a nice automation envelope to slide it up to 40 when the drums kick in.