House Music Loop Like Sincinaty But In Renoise Help

hi please view this video

I’m hoping that some of the advanced renoise users could help me translate this to renoise.

in other words if someone could briefly describe how they would go about doing this in renoise that would be sweet.

it’s easier for me to understand how to do the filtering i guess where i need help is matching loop, tips adding drum parts in time with the loop, making the loop fit the number of patterns and the part where they do like loops of the loop.

what happens when you have a long sample?

thanks, and maybe this will be helpful for other beginners.


Assuming you’ve got the sample nicely cut ready for looping you need to synchronize it to the number of beats necessary. You can do it if you go to Instrument Settings tab at the bottom panel. In the sample properties set the Sync parameter to match the same number of beats as long is your loop.

Here is the manual page explaining instrument settings and sample properties.

All. Just saw Fruityloops video. It just plays house sample / loop and plays with sfx.

Take a look at this I found on the net:

Or try searching “renoise house” on Youtube. Maybe this will help you.

Or load example songs from Renoise and see how it works :)

Just for the fun of it I made play at it
It needs renoise 2.5b9.
I skipped the hi hat loop. And to get the pumping effect I used the signal follower.
I’m sure a bunch of people here could do it better (if you do post it and teach me something ;))

thanks for the posts everyone, i’m excited to have a little freetime later to try your suggestions and take a look at nxpnsv’s example.

i’ve got a few loops i’m excited to try this with. i’ve been playing around with it, but i’m new to the tracker mindset and need more experience putting it all together.