How do I do the stuff you can do in Sonic Pi? (gimmie homework please)

I’ve been using the terminal as my general Lua console for now, lol.

I’ve been reading Renoise.Song.API.Lua, and yeah seems like a reference-only document.

Check out “demo-Periodic output”. That’s the “hello world” of xstream, I think. Or “demo-transpose”.

xline in xStream is basically such a line object, slightly customized. In an xStream model: xline.note_columns[1].note_value = 40 – will insert a note value of 40 on every line.

I’ll start with these. Thanks for pointing me there!

I’m looking at the xStream readme, and there are dialog boxes on there that are different from mine, and some that I haven’t even seen! Is that readme up to date??

This is all I needed guys. But one more thing, do I post my future xStream questions on the general forum? (here:)