how do i interpolate fx value in several patterns?

hello guys, i´ve already searched the forum but couldnt find the awnser… im trying to interpolate a Sxx effect in 4 patterns of the same track, but i can´t understand how… just like te demo track called sample offset. i already did it by changing the pattern lenght to 256 lines, interpolating and then freezing the track, and interpolating each pattern individualy (0-3f, 40-7f, 80-bf and c0-ff)… but i guess this is not the smarter solution ehhehe, is there an easier and faster way to achieve this effect? well… thanks in advance

If the whole song is only 4 tracks, you could set the “track in song mask” and only check the effect column values (rightclick on the checkbox to de/reselect the rest).
There is currently no way to have this applied to a selected range in the song other than scripting this.