How Do I Make ...

hey, sorry for the misleading title. i know there is this other thread just for this purpose but i have a few more requests and wanted to do this in my own thread :)

1. how do i make this synth:

it’s a little hard to describe, it’s this higher freq sort of sound. hope you know what i mean!

2. how do i make this “woooooosh” sound?

i know there is a lot of extreme delay and reverb involved. but given that i want to make exact this kind of sound, how do i do it?

3. how do i make this clean and very punchy bass?

it’s probably a sine wave with a compressor, but i haven’t come close to make it sound like this…

4. does someone have a full and ready to use XRNI Piano instrument? i have the Grand Piano sample pack which was a free dl and linked somewhere on this board, and i tried to make an XRNI out of them, but i somehow fail at it :(

5. this is probably a very stupid question, but how can i find out, which key/note a sample is played at? for example, in some sample packs there are these readymade melodies. let’s say i want to take the chord with the longest decay to make my own melody, but how do i know whether it is C-4, C#4, D-4, A-4 and so on??? hope you get me!!!

  1. it’s really hard to tell how that is made, it is definately a series of fx. I am quite sure one of the dominant ones is a flanger. Maybe there is some modulation of the dry/wet on it. It might be based on a low-pass filtered saw wave, but I am really not sure.

  2. That’s a fx called a dub or a tape delay, it’s a feedback looped delay wich filters the frequencies of signal every time it get’s looped. I use a VST by TAL, which is free and run on both windows and linux.

  3. I want to know too! T^T Detuning the signal on one speaker (which gives binural beats) works great for stereo systems, but if you make club music that won’t work since they use mono.

  4. The best place for free renoise resources is , maybe they will have one you like. Othewise there are free VSTis.

  5. Try looking at the master spectrum, C4 is around 261,5 hz and A4 is 440 hz. If that is too hard to read try putting in a constant sine wave to reference all the sounds by. It’s hard though, they should really have that information in the nameing-convention or meta-data.

thanks Gooze!!

to 1) sorry i didn’t express myself very well - i mean the sound which is making the melody. i think you probably described that other kind of sound which sounds like a speaking voice to some extent…

to 2) thanks, i dled TAL Dub-3 and will try it out

to 4) nice site, i found a few piano instruments, but unfortunately none which i’m fond of. one of them sounds close to a real acoustic piano, but has a few noisy decays

to 5) thanks!! is there a chart which depicts all key/notes and their frequencies? would help me a lot

Also I suggest this Tool. It will allow you to highlight a single loop, tell you its frequency and what to set basenote/transpose and finetune to tune it to C4.

large up kazakore :)

If you are a bit sly about the piano thing you can download a demo of a professional piano VSTi, there are many that let you use them for 5 minute periods at a time, and use the plugin grabber function in renoise to convert it to an XNRI, it’s a grey zone and not technically illegal (as I have understood it it is a bit illegal if the piano is sample based, but not if it is simulated).

Hmm… And there is this:
Those are free samples of really high quality, you just need to put them into an instrument.

Edit: I will probably need this in the future too, so I took the sample’s from the University of Iowa and made this:

nice! that will help! thanks :)