New to Renoise here but already liking the general format.
I’m wondering how to enter in notes quickly on specific beats by holding down “Q” or whatever note corresponds to “C.” It is done in this video at 1:23
When she holds down the key that corresponds to C-400, the pattern editor is quickly filled with notes only on specific beats (the first of every measure). How do you do this?
Another issue – I have tried to follow the instructions in the video for breaking up a sample by using the 0S function, enabling the 0S function by right-clicking on the sample, and then in the “xx” part of 0Sxx, typing in the portion of the sample I want. When I press play though, each event start from the beginning of the sample. Any ideas?
edit: put in specific time marker of the video so it’s easier to find.
There are also default key bindings to quickly set common values: Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, and so on.
When I press play though, each event start from the beginning of the sample. Any ideas?
Can you upload a simple XRNS song of what you have so far? Or perhaps even a screenshot of your pattern? It would probably be easier to debug that way.
Also, which exact version of Renoise are you using?
catsup you can also try me shortcut collection (see my signature), which provides two shortcuts for easy increasing/decreasing edit step.
Hi ffx,
Thanks for the tip. So if I download your shortcut collection, it modifies the settings on my instance of Renoise to match what you have programmed in the XRNS file? Is this the basic idea?
There are also default key bindings to quickly set common values: Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, and so on.
Can you upload a simple XRNS song of what you have so far? Or perhaps even a screenshot of your pattern? It would probably be easier to debug that way.
Also, which exact version of Renoise are you using?
I’ll try that first tip out when I get back to my computer. And I’ll also send you my file
Hi catsoup, you have to bind the new shortcuts to some keys in the “KEYS” settings of renoise. Search there for “quantization”. Yes, I should have write that to documentation…
For me its the most easy way, since I always forget lot of shortcuts. I prefer simple shortcuts.