Hi People. If you played around on your keyboard and came up with some ideas that you weren’t ready to sequence… How would you go about recording these?
Whenever I want to come up with an idea I always fiddle around without recording - and if I did want to record, I’d probably have to increase the default pattern number of lines so that its long enough to record all my noodling.
Just a general question: how do other people go about doing this?
Another question: is there a way to make Renoise automatically create and add a new pattern when you finish recording the first?
Can’t speak for windows or mac users, but timemachine hooked up via jack is tits. Always has the last 10 seconds recorded, so you can doodle away, and at the moment you go omgbbq-I-just-rocked!!1one!, you can simply press the shiny button.
You could always set up more than one pattern to play through…
If you want the players position to follow the music-tap scroll lock on a PC or click the button next to play controls that looks a robots bum…
other than that…i’m not entirely sure what you’re asking.
I have a small digital voice recorder that I use to whistle or hum tunes into when they pop into my head (I somehow have perfect pitch). Sometimes I will hear both a melody and bass together and will record myself humming both tracks separately, and then put them together in Renoise. Also, if I hit a spot in a track where I’m not sure what to do melody wise, I will play the pattern on loop in Renoise and record myself “improving” ideas by whistling them with Renoise being recorded loosely in the background just for reference. I have tons of ideas saved on my voice recorder that I haven’t even tried to track yet.