How important is the artist/band name?

All I can say is that I have never chosen to listen to or decided I liked a song because of the band’s or artist’s name. To me, it seems pretty unimportant compared to the audio production/material. I also believe the visual art associated with any given musical work is more important to the works reception than the name of the artist. But first and foremost is the audio…for me anyway. :walkman:

stereokahn, is a solid name.

names have a huge way of perception, the way you act and how people perceive you.
Like for instance, how would you perceive someone going by “pwegnantduder”?
With some talent pwegnantduder could possibly make a few million.
But, he would really have to backup the absurdity of the name with real unspoken talent, bought or inherent.

Certain handles do however create a kind of baseline respect in others.
I change my name all the time, but I don’t really care anymore I guess.

I started using this ︻デ═一 awhile ago last year after messing around on steam forums and seeing it in someone’s sig.
I’m a fan/maker of perpetual new skool amen jungle, and don’t promote my stuff much, and constantly delete my soundclouds. XD
I dunno, I like to try reinventing myself every so often.