I have recently bought Renoise 2.5, but I’ve been too stuck on FL Studio to really get started with it. But now I’m making an effort to get to know it better.
I have an M-Audio Trigger Finger MIDI controller (which is the sorta same thing as an MPD in case you don’t know). My problem is this: I want to assign the different instruments (in the Instrument Selector in the top right corner) to each their pad on my MIDI controller. For example so that instrument 1 is on pad 1, instrument 2 is on pad 2, etc.
Because I’m getting tired of having to use my mouse to switch instrument all the time before I can insert the tone with my MIDI controller. So I DON’T want the controller to be 16 tones of one instrument. I want it to be 16 pads representing 16 instruments. If that makes sense
How do I do this?
Thanks in advance!