I was playing around with a dubsteppy wobble that I made and I came across issues with syncing the wobbles. I looked at the tutorial (beat synced wobbles), but I couldn’t quite grasp how it was created nor did it look very intuitive, but that’s just me. Is there an easier way to sync wobbles with just parameter edits in the fx columns?
This might not work well with what you’re doing, but I usually draw some automation into the ‘custom’ tab of the LFO and then use the ‘reset’ parameter to trigger the automation when I need it. Works well for sidechaining, but you’d have to draw the ups and downs of the wobbles yourself most likely. It looks like this:
The LFO’s Frequency parameter does unfortunately suffer from a bit of weirdness when you try to set it to precise values via pattern commands, simply because the frequency parameter itself extends over the rather unusual range of INFinite LPC (dead stop) to 1.000 LPC (ÜberWobble™).
Pattern commands have a range of 00 to FF giving 256 possible values, but the LFO frequency range (or let’s say the ‘interesting’ frequencies that result in exact musical timings) does not divide evenly into those 256 values. For example, a command of x140 maps to 3.984 LPC, and x13F maps to 4.048 LPC, but you can never quite reach the ‘perfect’ value of 4.000 LPC with a pattern command alone. (Aaaargh, my sensitive OCD-like tendencies!)
If the LFO was designed slightly differently, and had a frequency range of something like 1 LPC to 256 LPC instead, then it would map evenly to the 00-FF pattern command range. Alas, that’s simply not the case. Oh well! (It still wouldn’t make it any easier to set fractional triplet/tuplet timings either, so… whatever!)
It’s obviously not a problem when you use automation envelopes instead, because you can set the points to whatever precise frequency you require. So if you don’t mind the little bit of extra leg work, then I’d say that envelopes are probably the way to go for ultra precise wobbling needs. (But where’s the fun in that, right?)
My beat-synced wobble demo probably appears more complicated than it really is, and I’ve discussed it before in other threads, but the basic concept is to use one custom LFO as a look-up table containing the precise values you wish to use, and that in turn controls the frequency of another LFO which does the real WobbleWork™.
As a potentially simpler alternative, you can try using a Hydra device instead. Link the Hydra output to the LFO frequency, set the Min value to 1 LPC, Max value to 256 LPC, and now you can use pattern commands to set the Hydra’s input from 00 to FF, which will give you values that line up more precisely with some useful frequencies. For example, setting the Hydra to x180 gives exactly 2 LPC, x1C0 gives exactly 4 LPC, x1E0 gives exactly 8 LPC, and so on. (Once again, this does not make setting triplet/tuplet timings any easier… god damnit!)
Here’s a tweaked demo: (Renoise 3.1)
6660 dblue-wobble-demo-2016.xrns
If yo want to use pattern commands to control the LFO then i suggest using a custom LFO controlling the frequency of another LFO. Set it to point and add points at the frequencies you want, like 2, 4, 8, 16 or whatever. Now the reset of the custom LFO will work as a synced slider. It’s an invisible slider though, but for pattern commands that’s no problem, however if you wish to have a visible slider you may connect another LFO to the Reset of the custom LFO and set its frequency to inf. Now the offset of this LFO works as a slider. Or you could use a hydra as the slider, then you could sync it up to other effects too in the same slider.
The LFO’s Frequency parameter does unfortunately suffer from a bit of weirdness when you try to set it to precise values via pattern commands, simply because the frequency parameter itself extends over the rather unusual range of INFinite LPC (dead stop) to 1.000 LPC (ÜberWobble™).
Pattern commands have a range of 00 to FF giving 256 possible values, but the LFO frequency range (or let’s say the ‘interesting’ frequencies that result in exact musical timings) does not divide evenly into those 256 values. For example, a command of x140 maps to 3.984 LPC, and x13F maps to 4.048 LPC, but you can never quite reach the ‘perfect’ value of 4.000 LPC with a pattern command alone. (Aaaargh, my sensitive OCD-like tendencies!)
If the LFO was designed slightly differently, and had a frequency range of something like 1 LPC to 256 LPC instead, then it would map evenly to the 00-FF pattern command range. Alas, that’s simply not the case. Oh well! (It still wouldn’t make it any easier to set fractional triplet/tuplet timings either, so… whatever!)
It’s obviously not a problem when you use automation envelopes instead, because you can set the points to whatever precise frequency you require. So if you don’t mind the little bit of extra leg work, then I’d say that envelopes are probably the way to go for ultra precise wobbling needs. (But where’s the fun in that, right?)
My beat-synced wobble demo probably appears more complicated than it really is, and I’ve discussed it before in other threads, but the basic concept is to use one custom LFO as a look-up table containing the precise values you wish to use, and that in turn controls the frequency of another LFO which does the real WobbleWork™.
As a potentially simpler alternative, you can try using a Hydra device instead. Link the Hydra output to the LFO frequency, set the Min value to 1 LPC, Max value to 256 LPC, and now you can use pattern commands to set the Hydra’s input from 00 to FF, which will give you values that line up more precisely with some useful frequencies. For example, setting the Hydra to x180 gives exactly 2 LPC, x1C0 gives exactly 4 LPC, x1E0 gives exactly 8 LPC, and so on. (Once again, this does not make setting triplet/tuplet timings any easier… god damnit!)
Here’s a tweaked demo: (Renoise 3.1)
You have no idea how useful you are to this community
…yeeah, durdle springs…
18FF = LPB on LFO, so 1810 is 16LPB and 1808 is 8LPB
= 18FF is essentially a NEAR frozen state
= values from 0 - FF
38FF = ramp up
= values from 0 - FF
48FF = ramp down
= values from FF - 0
59FF = ramp up ON OFF
= values: 59FF ON 5900 OFF
= if 59FF is ON, 5A00 MUST be OFF
5AFF = ramp down ON OFF
= values: 5AFF ON 5A00 OFF
= if 5AFF is ON, 5900 MUST be OFF
5B00 = not used
Zang.Have struggled to beat map the lfo precisely.
- note to self, explore options discussed here.