How To Put The Graphic Automation In The Pattern Sequence?

Hi everybody!!

Very happy to back in the tracker-world!! :D

So i have destroy my eyes with many many hours for read a lot of topics…

But I never found the answer of my question…

So i want to transfer the information of the grafic automation into my sequence.

I have found how to put all data by moving a parameter with right-clik on the mouse INTO the sequence (in hexa).

I have found how to put all data by moving a parameter INTO the grafic page automation.

But how can i transfer my grafic automation in my sequence (in hexa) or in the other way (from my sequence in hexa to my grafic automation page???

Thxs by advance…

Sorry for my poor english, i am frenchy ;)… AND SORRY IF THE SUBJECT ALREADY EXIST!!! :unsure:


this is not implemented, as it would be “dangerous”: what if the command column already contains a value? should it be overwritten, or should it not? should it create another command column (Command columns are limited to 4 per track)?

Ok i understand the danger…

So i think that everybody prefer use grafic automation for make up-down continuous automation on more than 1 pattern

Thanks for the help It-Alien!
