How To Record Automation When Using Duplex?

is there a way to record the movement of dsp-faders when controlling them with duplex or is this not supported?

I don’t think so, because although it’s the most highly featured tool ever, it’s still just a tool. Talk to the author to be sure.

Renoise is indeed listening to the midi messages that are mapped to a device rather than the fader position.
Supporting this would require something additional in the DSP device code to also allow registering manual fader movements into automation.
Sounds like a good suggestion though. Topic moved.

Nope, recording automation is currently not supported, but it’s obviously a good idea!

I personally like the approach in the Faderport tool, which include basic read/write and additional touch/latch mode. Exactly how this works is described in great detail in the accompanying manual, but basically it allows you to start/stop recording automatically, from the moment you move a control.

@vV - This is something a tool can do, don’t you think so?

But Renoise can record via standard MIDI Mapping. so does record from MIDI. Said this since day one and not quite understood why it can’t but after being told it wasn’t a possibility thought it was something we strangely had to live with…

Yes, but realtime processing from within Lua is still not really great vs realtime from within Renoise.
I think from within this position. You are ofcourse free to experiment with writing automation values from within Duplex, i assumed you already did experimented with this and had good reasons not to support it. (assuming that recording automation is quite an important process with using a midi controller.)

It can, but not if the midi device is being used by Lua. (The midi device can only be used by one process at a time).
You have to remove a midi device from the midi-in device list picks if you want to use it with Duplex. From that moment, mapping and recording mapped parameters natively, don’t work anylonger.

As GlobalMidiActions.lua exists in a default install and I thought I remembered some talk about changing handling of MIDI for LUA and it changing it for the entirety I had the impressed the MIDI in Renoise was done through LUA in its entirety. If not what precisely is the GlobalMidiActions.lua file that always exists in the Scripts folder?

The global midi/osc actions are indeed lua-based, but they are not full-fledged tools. Basically, there are two routes for scripting your controller: using the native features exposed by GlobalXXXActions.lua (where you can add your own actions), or by creating a xrnx tool.

Each have their strengths and weaknesses: case in point, automation recording. The native mappings could make automation recording very seamless, but the way it’s done would be dictated by how Renoise handle automation - I would personally like to see something the “latch/touch” modes for Duplex, it seems like it would be a nice option to have. Also, the native mappings are strictly one-to-one, so you can’t have a slider that you can toggle between controlling volume/panning/etc. Again, such a limitation does not exist in xrnx tools. Also, in xrnx tools you can have any number of controllers connected, there is no limitation like the two MIDI inputs in Renoise.

@vV: I don’t think that scripts not running in realtime has such a great impact on automation recording. We’re talking about approx. 1/10th second delays, which would be unacceptable for something like triggering notes, but not a big deal when adjusting the volume level (IMHO). Airmann certainly doesn’t seem to mind the delay in his Faderport tool?

Thanks for the explanation Danoise, goes some way to helping me get my mind around it a little more.

Also agree to an extent on the inaccuracy of automation maybe being slightly less important than note entry. Maybe have it as a optional mode with a warning that it may be far from perfect due to LUA limitations?

Small adjustments can always be made by hand after recording.

Hello, I’m new to renoise (started this holiday) and have been testing duplex with my monome and akai lpd8 with great results. However, I would like to be able to sequence effects as well. Maybe it would be good to expand the duplex step sequencer so it is possible to arrange the pattern effect commands with the controller. So, beside sequencing notes, you could have an effect pattern sequencer mode.

I recently discovered meta devices, which also could offer a way to program/record automation if connected to a controller via duplex. I have tried the effect duplex device for monome and the lpd8, which works really well for realtime adjustment, but I’m after some way to program this with my controllers. That’s the biggest reason why I’m trying renoise now, as my ableton live setup for sequencing sound and effects with automation became too complex and buggy to setup. I like that duplex makes the controller “native” to renoise, being able to change the grid itself and walk through the song.
