Hydra question

I cannot figure out how to do this:

I have three ADSR devices with the attack of the first set to 0, the attack of the second to 25 and the attack of the third to 50. Now I need to map all three of those attacks to a single parameter, such that if I increase this parameter value by 1, each attack is raised by one, resulting in 1, 26 and 51.

I thought the hydra was the device for this, but reading the manual it seems that it takes over absolute control over the mapper parameters, instead of the more useful relative control.

What am I missing here? Is hydra not the right device to use? What to use instead?


(In case someone is wondering, this is for layered drum sounds. I need a way to control overall ADSR, with different ADSR settings for the individual layers. Basically how stuff worked in ShortCircuit, where you had groups which had their own ADSR controls.)

By far, the simplest solution would be to hook a single instrument macro to all three AHDSR devices?

Macros work fundamentally the same as a Hydra, with individual scaling, mix/max values etc.

I thought the hydra was the device for this, but reading the manual it seems that it takes over absolute control over the mapper parameters, instead of the more useful relative control.

If you are planning to control the macro with automation, but still have the ability to override this manually, perhaps using a meta mixer would be interesting? Or you could create relative automation by automating the offset of an LFO device that your value is passing through.

In both cases, the final value could then be hooked up to the macro controlling all three attacks.

Thanks for the quick reply!

So, with this, the relation between the three attacks would be maintained at all times?

Problem with macros though is that there are only 8. Drumsets usually have more than 8 drums and I also want to map release :frowning:

Macro shortage is a hassle. Well…use macros only when you really want to automate something, else hydras in the instrument fx for one-time-setups. I got used to making an extra dummy fx slot for setups. There are some obscure ways though, like mapping the velocity of an empty sample to a key, using a velocity tracker on it, and then “automating” by sequencing velocity values.

For the value ranges, it’s math you’ll need to use. Yes, sadly. So as simple example a macro/hydra will map min to max form zero to hundred percent. So you can calculate a range in relation to the macro range. With some effects it won’t be so very accurate, when the value range isn’t mapped linearly over the 0-100%. So i.e. map parm 1 from 0…100, parm 2 from 25…125, parm 3 from 50…150. Now roundabout when you increase the macro 0…100% by one, every parm will increase one (or could, if value range was linear). If you sequence by pattern fx and inst.macro device, you’ll need to calc different, value 00-FF is 0…255 - mapped to the 0…100%. Insane, isn’t it? hope you didn’t loon or sleep around in calculus in school all the time…

Mmh I guess the hydra is not at all what I want then. I do not want to adjust the range manually.

Here is the common workflow:

  • layer your drums
  • adjust ADSR of each one (because you want the attack of sample 1, but the body of sample 2)
  • adjust the overall/global ADSR of the whole drum sound to your liking, leaving the relative adjustments from the previous step intact
  • maybe adjust the attack of sample 1 again a bit, leaving the global ADSR intact

Its basically a hierarchical structure, where the global one affects the children in a multiplacitive way.

Is this possible in Renoise?

(It’s a really simple concept actually, I am just bad at explaining it. Check out the old ShortCircuit for a demonstration.)

Maybe a simple audio ADSR device that we could put into the FX chain of each drum sound could be the solution…

So today I tried to build a Attack/Release doofer. While this seems to be the most basic doofer to build, I still could not manage to do so :slight_smile:

So some help would be much apreciated.

The first thing I tried was to use the Gate. With the lowest threshold possible (-60dB as it turns out). Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to disable the gate, once it has kicked in, which would be needed to use its attack parameter just for the beginning of a sample (and then I could do the reverse in ducking mode for the release of the doofer).

My second attempt was inspired by the included Amp envelope doofer. And while this should work in theory, I could not figure out how to make the attack faster, as it seems that the LFO speed is somehow locked to the lines in the sequncer (not entirely sure what they have to do with anything there, but that seems how things are). ! line, however, is much to slow for attacks and also unusuble as a general doofer, as it dependes on specifics of your song. And then I discovered that the LFO device that I can use in the instrument modualtions actually works with ms instead of lines, but I could not figure out how to set the LFO effect device to use ms and to allow for faster operation.

So yeah, please help, how do I build a simple Attack/Release doofer? Thanks!

All meta devices work on a tick basis.

The formula for calculating the refresh rate in ms will be


therefore at

120 BPM 8LPB 12TPL the refresh rate is ~5ms.

Try mapping the floor on a ducking gate instead, this will make the envelope a bit faster.

There’s no direct way to have a release, unless you want to make a set up that turns lfos on and off.

Fladd I fully agree with you that a hierarchical usage of adsr without crazy math would be the fastest and most intuitive way.

I would not recommend to use your doofer in instr. Fx. Instead on the outer.

You could try an “transient shaper” for a global amount of attack. U can use the signal follower device controlling a gainer, put sensitivity to 0, so it will react on all volumes. You can increase then “prelook” for fine control the point where it kicks in and also use the curves for sharpening.

Something seems to be wrong with the gate device btw, if attack minor differs between 0-10 ms it will completely change the tail…

All meta devices work on a tick basis.
The formula for calculating the refresh rate in ms will be
therefore at
120 BPM 8LPB 12TPL the refresh rate is ~5ms.

What’s wrong with you? Are you a crazy scientist or what? :stuck_out_tongue:


lua intensifies

really wish we could vst effect alias to internal effects chain :c