(I think I started this wrong, here is another try)
finally, I finished a song. It is called rehearsal, I’m sure you’ll soon get why.
I have to thank she for her coloris album, coz it made me so happy I started this piece of music two days ago. I hope it sounds good from your soundsystems, mine is rather crappy.
You have a cute chip melody going on, but it is far too repetitive for my tastes. The subtle variations could have been replaced with a few new melodies. Or the supporting bassline could have shifted more. Right now, I am getting some sort of inference to serialism but I doubt that is what you were going for?
A good first attempt, shows promise, but right now this tune is not for me.
thank you for for your reviews and your ears.
I listened to it again yesterday, I have to admit, it IS rather repetetive. It could need some different melodies and and funkier bassline. There are a lot of ticks in three minutes
I’m not sure if I will work on this one again, because it feels kind of done to me, perhaps I’ll just start from scratch with a new one.
It-Alien, I am completely new to tracker, this was my second song ever. (The first one was a LOT more repetetive) And I get totally addicted to it. I never knew how much fun you can have creating a time ordered sequence of sonic waves. I am here, because I LOVE renoise, it has so many buttons to play with. And I want to scrounge some tricks from the pros.
Thanks again for advice, I’m sure you’ll “hear” again from me… (haha, bad pun)