I would like to hear your music made with Renoise or other Daws

ahh my bad i think she was a dude :sweat_smile:

im sorry

No sorry :heart_eyes:


What is with the name then?

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I used it as a forum name and thought it sounds good and mysterious :smile:


working on a new song !!
this one is inspired in the game Axiom Verge !!!
private link


Very melodic! I’m a big fan of the chords when drums come, near 0’35.

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Epic track and the game looks good.I will check it out

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Axiom Verge 1 is great hopefully part 2 comes this year with no delays !
i want to get pt 2 for my switch

Love ‘Tension’ one of my favorite Demos in the Renoise Demo folder dblue !

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This mix is extremely well balanced!

Thanks sir.

Is it done with Renoise only? I also like the track.

Reaper on my side, Ableton on my partner’s side. I’m just trying different software.

But it can be done with Renoise. It’s really all about sample selection (which you already know) and using a tool like Tonal Balance and just making sure the tune is within the crest factor.


Obviously you don’t need it and my tunes before this one never used it. But the guy I did the tune with showed me this as his mixdowns sounded well balanced. Now it’s on every tune I do. It helps.

Also using VU meters is another thing. The VU meters are calibrated to -18dbFS and so if it does go into the red, there is some wiggle room. Final mix is around -6dbFS. Now when I use a limiter, it’s more of raising the volume than squashing peeks of the final track.

Then just T-Racks on the master buss and there you have it.


Just bought PhasePlant. Made a little demo using it. May turn this into a full track.

Pardon the mix. Quick job. Not that balanced.


I recently test some stuff in Renoise. Mainly the phrase feature und muting of patterns. This is the resulting demo song of it.


Here’s my latest track, made with Renoise. Thank you for inviting me to share. :slight_smile:


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Well that was wonderful.Is it you singing there and in what language?

Yes, I am singing in the Sanskrit language.

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I went to the sound cloud page and tried to translate the lyrics but google inst helping me.Could you post the lyrics in English

I offer my homage to Lord Narasimha (the man-lion avatar), who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and whose nails are like chisels on the stone-like chest of the demon Hiranyakashipu.

Lord Nrisimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Nrisimha is there. He is in the heart and outside as well. I surrender to Lord Nrisimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.

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