Hey everyone, this is really my first post, and I am new to Renoise, but I did pay my $45 cause I have faith in it. (Sorry i posted this in two areas…)
Just a little history… I am a Jeskola Buzzer if you will… I have worked with Buzz for about 6-7 years, so obviously I love the way it works… but I would like to move into Renoise just because you can have good midi syncing, and it seems like a little better support for VSTi’s and the likes…
ANYWAYS… to get to my point there is one feature in Buzz that I feel would help make Renoise so much better, and that is Effects “Presets” for the built in FX of Renoise… just a little drop down list for your favorite Delay times, Distortion Levels, Compression settings, and EQ’s… (I hope this makes sense… if you have time open Buzz and youll see what I mean.)
For me this is one thing that makes Renoise my 2nd choice because it takes so long for me to go in and edit the exact delays, or compression for a drum loop… it would be nice to have a preset closer to what my current idea is, and then tweak slightly from there… just helps keep the music flowing.
Cool, and thanks for checking out my post, I hope this isnt asking too much.
Dunno. It might be just a matter of preference. I find some kind of editing more convenient when done in pattern. Some stylistic things could also be easier in pattern, like certain parameter change advancing in blocks. For example. Pattern automation can be faster to set up and is always visible in pattern too.
All things automation can be done with both I guess. e_Naturally if setting transfer could be realized they could be recorded into automation also. Thinking of it, that could have usages beyond the init set up.