Basically this gives focus to the number lane (via the usual middle-click etc.)
Now you can use your standard (single) track shortcuts, to insert row, delete row, and now the ability to insert a note-off across the whole pattern [shown above]
Simply use caps-lock command while focused in the lane, and noteoff is added to every column in pattern.
This is already possible, but these functions do not have a key binding by default. Look in the key preferences under Pattern Editor > Insert/Delete and you will find: Insert new Row in Pattern, Delete current Row in Pattern, etc.
There are already functions to insert note offs into each of the track’s note columns, which you can find under Global > Transport, and they are called Note Off Row and Smart Note Off Row
But I agree with you - a function to insert note offs over the whole pattern would be useful as well. I don’t think your idea is really necessary for this - it can just be a couple of new functions similar to the existing ones. For example: Note Off Pattern and Smart Note Off Pattern
I am aware of the above, but still think an interface way of doing them would be an improvement. i.e less shortcuts to remember (particularly lesser used ones)
It also brings me to a point about the inconsistancy of these shortcut names:
For tracks insert/delete row has no effect on pattern size but for pattern is does.
I would suggest for this issue the shortcuts were renamed nudge row in track vs the add row in pattern (the name explains enough here already)
On top of that I would request a Nudge row in pattern forward and a Nudge row in pattern back which would both not effect pattern size.
Anyhow, I still stand by my suggestion as it offers a graphical alternative (expanding out current track shortcuts) and doesn`t impare the current GUI in any way.
The only minor dis-advantage I can see to it , is if you are opposed to it and like to Tab through focuses. But then you would be able to remember all the shortcuts to focus each individual tab anyway to get round this
edit: agree about the new shortcuts to be added aswell for note-off .
You can make a selection by dragging (as when unfocused) spanning across the whole pattern.
Now you can paste, and selection is not pasted where the pattern cursor is (e.g. could be track7), but from track 1.
This is equivalent to being in track 1 and selecting across the whole pattern copying and pasting further down/ up. This feature saves navigation to and back from track 1, when you anywhere else in the pattern.
In this case the selection spans the whole pattern.
Ctrl + C to copy, then navigate the orange cursor down to line 32. Ctrl + V to paste and the whole selection is pasted across the whole pattern, you remain in track 7 in the pattern editor for all of this.