Improving midi command editing - overwrite/delete, sep. col



if there is a midi command in the panning column, let’s say M1 for pressure or similar.

If now the M1 is deleted, by moving another note over it or simply deleting the M1, the fx value belonging to the M1 should be deleted, too! Makes no sense to keep it then. So my suggestion is:

- If midi command in panning column is deleted or overwritten, the fx value (number in fx column) should be deleted in any case. So never a situation can arise where a orphaned midi command fx value remains.


Bad case scenario: Am esp. suggesting this, because a orphaned midi fx value (for example pitch) quickly can turn into device on/off automation, without noticing! Now, there only needs to be one device-off-command anywhere in the track. Kinda difficult then later, to figure out position. Quite often happened here already…

I have another request regarding midi commands:

Renoise should ensure that a midi command, which sadly uses also the panning column of one note column, is written always to a separate, note-free note-column. So never the case appears, where a note can be mixed with those M1,M2… in the panning column.

Wouldn’t that totally simplify things like scripting, editing?

Or maybe you could even consider to introduce a “midi command” column?

Or extending fx amount from byte to word size? So midi commands could be a normal fx?

EDIT: Please read last post

So after doing some scripting and research regarding notes movement, patching tools, I would like to conclude what I think would be the most easy solution for improving midi commands. The current solution really is kind of pain, for the musician and also for the tool programmer.


  • change the fx amount of the track fx from byte size to word size (so track fx is displayed with 6 digits instead 4 ). Current fx won’t be broke and also could get then a resolution update.

  • put all Mx midi channel command types to the fx type of the track fx. So remove that unlucky connection to NOTE panning (it should affect all notes in the line, even mixed instruments)

  • do a simple converter for all pre 3.5 songs, so they will play correct without manual patching

  • almost no current tool moves midi commands correctly. So this change would even Bugfix a lot of tools!

  • or just introduce a new 2-digit column to the track fx, only for midi channel commands. Only the first track fx column requires it.

I think it would really make sense to move the midi commands completely back to track fx, decoupling it.

Read also here:


A even more simple solution:


  • Put midi fx values to the note fx of the note where the Mx commands are. It will affect all notes of the instrument anyway.

  • ensure while recording that renoise never mixes Mx commands with actual notes, always open a new column

  • Do a simpole converter which moves all midi fx data from track column to last note column for all pre-Renoise 3.5-songs


  • tools could more easy decide when to move midi fx.

  • no more break of midi commands

  • midi commands could be placed and moved with tick resolution

  • multiple midi commands could be recorded in one line! Simply by adding a new note column

  • Sample command nerds won’t be affected at all

Drawbacks :