how do you find the value to program? When I click the points, I get a percentage.
The custom LFO points are always displayed as a percentage, and on top of that the final output value is also influenced by the Offset and Amplitude parameters, so it can be a bit confusing at first. Just one of those weird things you’ll hopefully get used to in time.
Programming the LFO frequency itself can be a minor pain in the ass if you want to get precise timings. When using pattern commands, the hex values usually do not line up with the exact speeds you want. For example, if I want the exact frequency 2.000 LPC, then the pattern command 167F gives 2.008 LPC, while the command 1680 gives 1.992 LPC. It’s simply not possible to achieve precisely 2.000 LPC if you set the LFO frequency from a pattern command.
In practise, this may not be the end of the world, since you can still usually make the LFO do something useful or cool sounding either way. But for control freaks like myself, that tiny margin of error can keep me awake at night! 
So what are the alternatives to imprecise pattern commands?
Well, you can set precise parameter values by using the graphical automation instead, so that’s exactly what I did. I created a graphical automation for the LFO frequency, and then I programmed in a series of points to set the precise frequencies that I wanted to use: 1.333 LPC for triplet 8th notes, 2.000 LPC for 8th notes, 3.000 LPC for dotted 8th notes, and so on.
Once I had that set up, I simply selected/copied the envelope points from the automation editor, and then pasted them right into the LFO’s custom envelope editor. In the LFO itself they still end up displayed as 33.333% or whatever, but behind the scenes the point is set to the precise frequency timing I needed (as long as the LFO Offset is 50% and Amplitude is 100%, so it outputs the correct full range).
There’s a bit more to it than that, like positioning all the envelope points correctly along the horizontal axis, to make them line up exactly with “friendly” Reset command values like 1800, 1810, 1820, etc., but that’s mainly just me being an obsessive weirdo over the little details. 
Long story short… It’s way easier to set exact LFO frequencies via graphical automation, so just do that instead and save yourself some headaches. The Wobble demo is really just to show off some “fancy” meta device ninja tricks, so it’s not the most practical thing in the world to learn from, haha.