I’m ofcourse talking about the Inertia parameter in Filter 3.
In my country we never measure time in percentages.
Perhaps it would be better if you could put in ms values…and a “Live Sync” feature (such as in the Delay)… Or am I simply not getting the point of doing it in percentages?
The time it takes to slide from parameter value A to B is not constant, but depends on the inertia and the difference between A and B. That’s why its not expressed in ms or something.
vincentvc: I can see what you are saying about a “live sync”. In that case, it wouldn’t be inertia, it would just be a blend over a specific amount of time. It would save time in automation, but it wouldn’t be the same thing.
I actually did something like that with portamento in my latest track. I was controlling the length of the portamento on a synth via MIDI on each note. With a pitch slide I can definitely see the benefit in knowing how long its going to take to get there. An automated-blend-over-X-ticks could be a very useful effect or command or something.