Instructions For Flying

Finally releasing this one today. New album. More info is over at – Really happy with how it turned out.


  1. focus
  2. sunrise at a friends place
  3. renew
  4. around this bend
  5. these are your marching orders
  6. thats all it is
  7. trips
  8. so many steps to someplace complete
  9. subjugated
  10. pian
  11. let it go (it’s good to be alone)

Full ZIP

Feedback is always appreciated. Take care,

I have enjoyed the LP, although it didn’t let me fly ;)

why not submitting the album to jamendo? It would get more attention.

still listening to the tracks.

so far, that clicky-snare at “These are Your Marching Orders” left chan throwed me back from chilling a bit. kinda hard contrast to the reverby beat but can’t say thats bad :)

thanks for the feedback guys.


Nice little album! :dribble:

Had it on while working on a website last night and I must say it did the job very well!


Thanks very much! Also worth listening to is a 3-hour live set that I did at the Rotofugi gallery here in Chicago last weekend. Much of this music along with some nice ambient stuff and live electronic gadgetry.

cheers all,

“pian” and “let it go” are great.

thanks a lot :)