There is one thing, that seems to be somewhat absent in Rn at the moment, in many parts of the software, and that’s making quick adjustments to settings, via modifier key pressed down, while pressing the mouse button.
For example, in most VST Instruments, we have the value reset to zero, and for example Pan settings reset to zero in Cubase, via a modifier key (CTRL/ALT, CTRL+SHIFT etc.) - when pressing onto the value with mouse.
This is just one idea that came into mind, when checking the Renoise’s instrument ->
If it is not possible, to finetune an instrument (meaning the whole instrument, not just a sample inside it)
It would be a great workaround to have a modifier key for the settings to be applied onto all samples inside the instrument.
Pressing CTRL+Changing finetune of a sample inside an instrument, would (either) increment the whole instruments samples tunes, by the selected amount (or adjust them all, to the selected amount, regardless of what their finetune previously was - for this we could have 2 separate modifier keys, the other would increment the values, and the other would act as a value replacer - modifier key).
Having to change the noteoff’s, Cut, etc. settings, for individual samples is somewhat time consuming, if one is working with large amounts of beats for example, it would be good if the modifier key worked on all the settings, so that the user could set the CUT/NOTEOFF - settings for all the samples inside an instrument, all at once…
…hope this was not a too lenghty way of describing the idea, but I think many renoise users would benefit of this feature…