Dont know if this has come up b4 but a global strip silence button in the instrument section would be very nice.
Some people like a bit of “air” at the beginning of samples, used to be a way commonly used to give some groove rather than always having to use delays when entering a note.
Also people use samples with quiet bits in the middle, especially if you think of vocal samples.
Although I can see how an automatic top and tailing could be useful at time. Find a few of my samples have the “air” at the beginning and for the way I write I find it quite annoying. Also sometimes samples are a lot longer than they need ot be for the data they contain. Maybe you/we should just look after our samples better though…
Or don’t I understand what you mean? Global implies to every sample but you say in Instrument section, which would suggest just that instrument. I assume i got the “strip silence” part right though.
It would help if the Renoise sample editor would
allow vertical zooming all the way
mark digitally silent parts by giving them a slightly different color
well not looking after my samples has nothing to do with it and whether u like air or not at the start of your samples is kinda irrelevant seeing as with a global button in the instrument editor you wouldnt have to press it?i have a lot of huge instruments with many many samples.This would be a huge advantage and a time saver.Having to go tru the whole instrument clicking apply fx is a pain (global apply fx) and then having to clear the silence is just such a tedious process.Silence is no good at high speeds and for the most part im just really anal about my samples because im an anal kinda guy
not that I’m against the suggestion, but even then - have you considered batch processing? as long as your samples are in .wav format I’m sure something can be arranged that doesn’t take long to set up – and from then it’s just drinking tea and watching progress bars.
(the tea being optional of course)
A Instrument Global toggle would be good, where by applying effects, adding silence to end, etc would be applied to all samples within a given instrument.
As I said wouldn’t necessarily against a remove silence option but think the form of a seperate trim start/end would be better. Also think about the fact that you almost never have true silence but generally have to give a threshold, so there is another parameter to set/adjust with this.
Tea is not optinal for the true rock’n’roll lifestyle.
Stripping the ends could be useful as long as it wouldn’t also cut silence from the middle of samples and alter rhythms.