I simply like this song. It’s catchy. I’ve gone for a more raw Commodore 64 SID chip sound in this one. Big arpeggios, rattly drums and plenty of pulse width modulation - all the defining sounds sounds of that computer.
This track has been created with only the sounds of the 35+yo Commodore 64 MOS-6581 Sound Interface Device (SID) chip. Renoise was used to build this piece and give me as many C64’s as I needed and processing effects.
The video was made by SadJo1: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu4rkUxZUxjAfBohhhzQavw
Find me:
Homepage: http://gavingraham.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/gavindi
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/gavindi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavindi
Commodore Scene Database (CSdb): http://csdb.dk/scener/?id=8611
Amiga Music Preservation: http://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=2973